Memories of a Lost City: Part Two

Start from the beginning

As they passed the windows one by one, hands reached out, attempted to grab them but with no luck. As they moved to another corridor, another zombie popped out, this time inside the police station. As they took them out, they looked behind and gasped in horror. That same thing has come back! They tried to kill that thing but it movements were so fast it seemed impossibel to take it down.. As it shortened its distance, Claire managed to shoot it on its head, making it fall onto the floor. They killed t before it could get up again.

"It's not safe here anymore." Leon said as they pocceeded on. As they made another quick turn, they saw it again, this time crawling on a wall. As it moved stealthily, Leon managed to get a clear shot and shot it on its head. It flew onto the floor headfirst.  Leon charged up to the first door and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Claire replied as Leon opened the door slowly. They went in and Leon observed the area.

"They got this place too." Leon sighed as they moved on. They made their way up on the staircase and Leon noticed a pack of grenades upstairs. Knowing he would need this, he took it and continued on. As they walked past a few statues, the dead stood up, trying to attack them but failed at their attempts as they got killed. They opened another door and realised that a girl, only about 10 is walking along the corridor and she did not look like anyone of them. As they approached her, she moved back. "Is that a girl?" Claire asked. However, the girl soon ran away. "Hey! Wait!" she shouted out to her as they chased after her.

The thing popped out again from the window, preventing their chase after the girl. "Get out of the way!" Leon shouted to it as he shot at that thing furiously. As it died, two more broke in from behind. "Forget about them!" he shouted as they ran after the girl.

Opening another door, the girl screamed in horror as a zombie approached her. "We gotta help her!" he beckoned as they shot the zombie. The girl ran towards the corridor.

"Wait! It's too dangerous on your own!" Claire called out as they ran after her again. The girl climbed under the barricaded door and Leon looked at the door.

"I'm gonna burst open the door! Step back!" he warned as he charged towards the door. He kicked the door and as it fell, Leon looked to the left. As Claire looked to her right,  she saw the girl again. "There she is!" Leon shouted as they give chase again.

"It's too dangerous! Come back!" she pleaded as they continued their way downstairs.

"Why does she keep running away from us?!" Leon said furiously as they went downstairs. 

"She's just scared..." Claire explained. This time the girl ran to where they came from. As they continued on, they moved back. Another zombie stood up in front again.

"Get outta my way!" Leon shouted rudely at it. As the zombie fell, they continued to chase her furiously. They stopped on their tracks as they saw the girl, backing away from another typical zombie. After they shot the zombie, she ran again.

"Wait!" Claire shouted worriedly, increasing her speed.

As they charged to the corridor, the girl was stopped by the zombie as it tried to bite her. "Watch out!" Claire warned as they shot it down.

The girl ran forward again. The duo turned back and looked as a horde of zombies were hot on their heels. They shot at them before running to find the girl again. The girl screamed as the zombies that were still held by the barricaded window were extending their hands out. Soon, they noticed the same horde nearing them again. As they busily engaged them, they realised the girl ran away from them again. "Please, come back here!" Claire begged as she continued to sprint, hoping to chase up with her.

As they sprinted into the bloodied corridor, another one of this things fell out again. This time, she tripped over it and as she climbed back on her feet, Leon already shot it and Claire asked, "Where did she go?" 

"She's over there!" Leon indicated as he pointed at the door when another zombie broke the window and climbed in. Leon sighed and shouted, "Shit!"

Leon looked in anger. It was as if fate wanted them to abandon the search. As they got back to the office, Leon asked, "Next time if it comes back, I shall shout 'licker' so that you know it's that thing. Got it?"

"Yeah." Claire replied. As they made their way to the entrance of the police station, Claire looked around. There was no sign of the girl. "Mervin, did you see a girl go past here?" Claire inquired. They were oblivious to the fact that he was dying just now.

"Wait, there's something wrong with him." Leon said as he rushed up to him. As he took a closer look, he realised that Marvin is dead. 

"Oh god. He's dead." Claire said, unable to respond. They turned back, only to find more of them lurking around the entrance. After they gunned them down one by one, they turned back to him.

"Damn it. I'm sorry Marvin." he apologised. As they stood up, Leon continued, "It's awful, but there's nothing we can do. We 'd better go find that girl."

As Claire wanted to take a last glance at Marvin, she shouted in horror. Marvin has also become one of them! "Marvin!" he shouted. At first, Leon did not dare pull the trigger at his boss. However, he pulled a few rounds at him. Like a normal zombie, he fell onto his knees and died.

"I'm sorry it turned out like this." Leon apologised regretfully. Claire remembered what she said earlier. Looks like she was wrong about her statement just now...

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