Dancing Around The Pain

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I knew that the Police Creeper Van was continuing to follow me the moment I headed in the opposite direction of my home and went towards Missy's. Officer Burton tried to shout my name from the passenger seat,but I ignored his commands. There was a few things I needed to handle at Missy's.

The sun was setting by the time I had reached the building. The lighted sign flashed brightly, casting light onto the parking lot. I entered quietly as no one had noticed me yet. My co-worker Beatrice was the first to notice me. 

"Clementine!" She gasped and her eyes widened at my arm in a sling. "What are you gonna do? You go on tonight."

Beatrice was gorgeous. She was skinny, but had this naturally curly hair that framed her round face. Her bust wasn't the largest, but she looked the purest of us and that gained her a lot of attention. We all thought of her as a little sister and I ,personally, kept an eye on her.

"I don't know, but I think I can go on tonight, but not all of the dances I did before." I really didn't know what to do and I was partially shocked at the words that left my pink lips.

"No your not." Missy stepped into my view and immediately started sprouting out the reasons why. "Your arms in a sling and you are a direct contradiction to my first law : None of Missy's girls get hurt under our watch," I frowned deeper at every excuse. "You need to go home and get healed before I let you back in."

The entrance of the strip club opened, but I didn't care for who it was, because I was gettin suspended from my job without pay.

"I can still dance. My arm is in a sling not a cast." I took my arm out, showing her I can still move the apendage. 

"No you can't," A deep rumble resonated from behind me. A hand was place on my shoulder. Officer Burton remained behind me protectively and I was uncomfortable with that. I snatched my body away from his, pleading with Missy.

"You know what I have riding on this job," I was practically begging her. She knew about my circumstances.

"We will all put-""

"No. You and I know that everyone here has something important that they are here for. Just let me show you that I could do it." She fell into my guilt trip. 

The officer was still behind me and was probably doing his signature glare. He was a stranger that wanted me to do as he say, not because he was an officer of the law, but because  he thought he knew what was best for me.  He didn't know me ,so how could he know what I need ,or what I want. Like how some nights I wanted to quit this place and go home. Not my apartment, but my home back in  Virginia. 

Open fields and  gracious blue skies.

I was on my toes, waiting in desperation.  "Get dressed." I squealed and went to the dressing room where the other girls were getting ready. The clothing wasn't very different concept wise. They all were skimpy , or showed to much of something. I ended up picking up a sequined corset with a fishnet body suit and both didn't leave much to the imagination.

I hid behind the shadow of the stage and waited for the music. The song started I moved gracefully around the pole and began to sway my hips. My hands unconsciously began to run down my curves seductively. For a moment I stared at the audience ,who mostly were colleagues, but I met Officer Burton's eyes. I felt my lower region moisten.  I ,then, popped two buttons off of the corset as the music began to move into the chorus. My motions then became more intense as did the chorus. I flipped my hair to gain affect. 

The chorus ended and I slowed down , walking to the pole. I twirled around it, my arm wrapping around it. I used that arm to twist my self around it. I stayed  for  another verse and a chorus on the pole doing tricks that made the muscles in my arm clench. I decided to stop after the pain in my body began to grow. I lip synced to the song for a moment before sliding down the pole and landing into a split.

I smiled internally as the crowd gasped. Then I brought my knees up and arched my back. The rest of the press studs snapped and disconnected the corset from my body. At that point I was only in my cheap lingerie and the fishnet one piece.

The music stopped and I took it as my chance to get leave the stage. I plucked up the corset and ran off of the main stage with the feeling of his eyes burning onto me.  I stepped off of the stage nervously and stood before of them with my hands in front of me.

"I still can't let you." Missy said it like it was an apology. "That guy gave me even more reasons not to." She pointed half-heartedly to Burton. I felt my face redden in pure rage, but I bit my tongue. After I put my layers of clothing on and saying goodbye to everyone, I walked into the night filled with different emotions. All of them conflicting one another. I was embarassed by the fact that my hope of dancing for the next month was murdered. I was pissed about Burton coming and ruining the income I needed for the next month. I was relieved, because I didn't have to go there for another month. The angry outweighed all of the others. I sat at the bench at the bus stop.

"Get in the car." Burton commanded me again. It seemed like he could only do two things . Glare and command. I did not move a centimeter. "Get in the fucking car, Rogers."

He got out of the van and walked up to me and forcefully made me stand.

"You irk me, Mister. You honestly are like a plague I am going to die from," I snapped at him. Rage pulled my body closer to his. We were chest to chest. I was standing on my toes ,barely seeing past his shoulder. ",Am I just a toy to you people? Do you not see me as a person? I just don't understand.What are you not telling me?!"

He stood still and his gaze softened as he looked at me , contemplating whether to tell me his secret."Is it fun to run around and play with my life?" The sentence came out as a weak plea. My anger was fading. I strided to the van and slammed the door shut when I sat in the passenger seat. Dorian Burton drove me home shortly after. He hadn't said a word to me or any of the other people inside.

The ride seemed longer than I had thought. Leaning on the window, I drifted to sleep.

"She fell asleep on the ride home." Burton's voice made his chest vibrate. I snuggled into the shoulder of the man I had sworn was my enemy.

"Oh," Tim's voice wasn't close. "Um you know where her room is, just put her in there."

He carried me princess style into what was supposed to be my room. Burton laid me on my messy bed and grabbed my comforter, laying that on me as well.

"Goodnight Clem" He placed the back of his hand on my cheek. The sound of his fleeting footsteps lulled me into sleep.

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