Memories of a Lost City: Part one

Start from the beginning

As they moved out of the alley, more zombies were seen. However, this time they were not surrounded. "Don't tell me there're gonna be more of those things!" he said. "This way!"

"Are you sure?" she asked, as she ran after him, shooting every zombie in their way.

"Just run!" he shouted. They sprinted towards another alley and were stopped by zombies again! 

"They're everywhere!" Claire shouted as they attempted to gun down every single one of them.

"Stay next to me!" Leon suggested to her as they continued to move.

Claire face back and looked in horror. "They're coming!"

"They're too many!" Leon informed as they moved back step by step, shooting them at the same time.

As they kept firing, a voice was heard behind them, at a shop. "Die, goddamn it!" the voice shouted. Gunshots was heard but the voice suddenly shouted in pain.

"What?!" Claire asked, surpirsed at another survivor as they rushed into the gun store.  As they barged into the store, the duo looked in disgust and horror. The zombie is eating the survivor!

"Get off of him!" Leon shouted as they shot the zombie furiously.

As the zombie fell dead, Claire shouted in disgust, "He's eating him!"

Leon approached the guy and asked, "Hey, are you alright?" No response. "Shit!"

"I can't believe this..." Claire said as she walked, totally shocked and terrified by the sight. Suddenly, the zombies hit the glass window furiously. She gasped in shock.

"You have got to be kidding me!" he shouted in horror. Soon enough, they managed to break into the store. Leon got up and shot them furiously.

"The report on the Racoon City disaster is scheduled to be broadcast again tonight at eight o'clock." the radio spoke as they walk to the counter.

"Let's grab whatever firepower we can." Leon suggested.

"What?" Claire asked him.

"We need guns." Leon said as he grabbed a shotgun and submachine gun, throwing her another bowgun. Both of them looked out as more zombies are approaching them.

"Let's get out of here." she said as they ran through the back door. As she closed the door, she turned angry and shouted in anger, "What's wrong with this town?! What the hell are they?!"

"Hey, I'm a rookie, don't ask me. I just got here." Leon said, trying to calm her down. A strong smell suddenly reached their noses.

"What is that?! Do you smell that?!" she asked in disgust. "God, it reeks!"

"Smells like something's rotting..." Leon answered.

"We better be careful." she warned. As they walked into the alley, Claire gasped in shock as the zombies slammed themselves onto a gate, trying to get out, like an animal in a cage.

"They got the hots for you, huh?" Leon joked

"Shut up." she said.  However, two dogs appeared out of nowhere and as they tried to get near them, they shot the dogs."Stay the hell away from me!" she shouted in anger and disgust as she shot them. It whined and fell on the ground, dead. Two more people raised up and tried to attack them. "How can these things be alive if they are already dead?!" she asked as they killed them. A door opened behind them and they looked as the zombies broke in.

"Here they come!"Leon warned as they readied themselves, shooting at them. As they fell lifelessly onto the floor, both of them went through the gate. 

"How come they only attack humans? The man in the gun shop... they wanted to..." she asked, still slightly confused about the events.

"Let's not think about that for now."Leonsaid as the continued on.

"We're not the only ones that are alive, are we...?" she asked. 

"No. Of course not."Leon replied. "We can't give up. There's gotta be someone left alive." he suggested. As the duo walked on, they jumped in horror. A zombie fell down near them! "Where'd that come from?!"Leon asked in horror. They turned and saw another horde waling towards them. "They're coming!"Leon informed as they continue to eliminate them.

Claire looked in shock as the body that fell stood up again.How is that possible? Without hestitation, she put a bullet into its brain, killing it. "We gotta find shelter."Leon said, still slightly traumatised by the body that fell.

They went into another room and she reminded, "Watch your steps."

As they walked up the stairs, an announcement was heard, "Everyone in this vicinity must evacuate to the Racoon City police station, immediately. An emergency evacuationhas been initiated and a rescue team is on its way."

"Did you hear that?" Claire asked, trying to confirm if Leonheard it.

"Yeah. Nice to hear a human voice out there." he commented. "Let's go out to the main street."

As they moved to the main street, they looked around. "It's so quiet..." she commented.

"Yeah. But this place is in ruins too." Leon added. "The Racoon City police station is just two blocks away. We better get moving." 

However, another zombie grabbed onto Leon, trying its best to sink its teeth into his flesh. "Leon!" she shouted and with a few shots, Leon pushed the zombie away easily.Both of them looked as more zombies approached them. "There's nothing just a minute ago!' she shouted.

"This is taking forever, there's too many of 'em." Leon said as he fleed to the police station. However, Leon looked in horror: the barricade is already broken. "Damn it! The barricade's already broken!" he shouted as he climbed in. "There it is! That's the Racoon city police station!" Leon said as he pointed at the police station.

"Are you sure?" she asked, trying to clarify.

"Yeah. I'm sure." he confirmed.

Leon continued to shoot at the oncoming horde when Claire shouted, "Run! It'll catch fire!"

"What?" Leon asked, confused by her words and turned to the right, only to see an explosion. Leon lost his balance and fell to the ground. As two zombies continued to approach him, he attempted to stand up but he looked in horror as the two zombies are getting nearer. He has lost his strength. Is he going to die here?

"Leon!" she shouted and within seconds, the two flesh-hungry zombies fell to the ground. He groaned in pain as she helped him up. "Can you get up?" she asked.

"Claire, behind you!" he shouted as more zombies are nearing them.

"Run!" she shouted as both of them sprinted towards the gates of the police station. The duo looked in shock as they surveyed the area.

"They're even here?!" Leon said in shock.

As they continue to find the entrance of the police station, Claire asked out of curiosity, "So what do you think of your new job so far?"

"Looks like the only life I'll have to save is my own." he answered. Just as they reached the entrance of the police station, zombies and dogs appeared from all three side. "Oh this is great. Now they are coming from everywhere." he said loudly as they continued to fend them off.

"They just keep coming!" Claire shouted in anger.

"The head! Shoot them in the head!" Leon reminded her.

As they finished them off, they looked at each other and put their guns down: It's over... for now. "Thank god. At least the police station is secure." she said, heaving a sigh of relief as Leon checked his gun.

"Let's take a break. Because it looks like it's going to be a long night." he said as they walked into the police station. Claire heaved a sigh of relief. However, little did they know what horrors would lie in there...

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