Chapter 63 - Hesitation

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"Fuck you."

"If Peanut could hear, you would need to put a pound in the swear jar."


"Babe, please shut up, I am driving!"

"Don't call me that!"

"I'm sorry babe."

"Louis! Just tell me where we're going."

"I told you, I was making today perfect and you've had your homemade breakfast and all you know is we're going out somewhere, bother me more and I swear to god."

"Is that a threat?" I blink innocently.


"Swear jar!" I sang.

"You're so fuckable. Jesus Christ." He groaned.

"Tommo Jnr loves me." I giggle, glancing at his... lower region.

"I know," Louis laughed loudly.

"I like this song!" I squeak, turning up the radio.

"Story Of My Life, seriously." Louis glared.

"Yeah," I giggle, bobbing my head.

"You don't even know the words!" He laughs.

"I can't sing anyways!" I snap.

"I've never heard you sing." Louis mused.

"You don't want to. Ever."

"I do, I want to know something I can tease you about."

"Fuck you."

"You already have."

"Cocky much."

"You want to cock."

"Stop making everything sexual!"

"Our relationship is full of innuendos babe."

"Don't call me that!"

"I'm sorry baby, calm down." Louis hushed, resting a hand on my knee.

"I've missed my turn." Louis groaned suddenly, making a U-turn.

"Idiot." I laugh.

"Shut up."


"No I didn't mean it like that!"






I twitched, I despised the pet name, but I refused to say anything, amused at his reaction.

"Hannah! I didn't mean to!"

"If I talk to you, will you shut up?"

"Yes." Louis nodded like a small child.

"I don't even know if I trust you with Peanut." I giggle as Louis started to hum.

"I am mature enough!"

"Sure you are."


"I love you."

"I love you too." Louis grinned, finally parking the car.

I get out the car but then get yanked back in.

"I have to open the door for you! Shut it!" He whined, quickly getting out the car.

I sigh, slamming the door shut before it was opened again by Louis. I thank him with a roll of my eyes before he takes my hand in his as we walk into the small restaurant.

"Louis! This stuff is really pricey!" I exclaim, nudging his knee with mine.

"Relax! I'm famous." He waves me off.

"Use the fame card." I say sarcastically, looking carefully through the menu.

"I'll just have the chicken Alfredo." I tell him, too shy to order myself.

"You better get dessert." He says, the waiter coming over.

Louis orders my drink and food for me as I sat there stroking my stomach. Louis grins at me as I play with the ends of my hair.

"So how are you?" He asked.

"Happy! I'm finally out of the wretched house!"

"You're going to college soon aren't you?"

"No, I'm going next year after pregnancy."

"Talking about pregnancy, you got a call I answered for you, you have another scan tomorrow."


Our conversation was cut short as the food was put in front of us. Louis thanks the waitress with a smile, I see a blush form on her cheeks. I glare at her until she disappears off sight.

I dig into my food straight away. Why does expensive food come in such small portions! I finish it in the space of ten minutes, my stomach wasn't even half full.

"Do you want some?" Louis asked, pointing at his lasagne.

"I'm alright." I reply, biting my lip. That was his food, not mine.

"Here, take it." He pushes the plate across the table.

"No! It's yours!"

He took it back, cutting it into half then putting half on my empty plate.

"Thank you." I smile, grabbing my fork.

"Eat slowly, it gets you full quicker."

I try to follow his actions, cutting bits of the lasgane and placing it into my mouth. I soon gave up, cutting it into bigger bits and eating it, still politely.


"No.." I trail, the prices were expensive. Really expensive.

"Ignore the numbers, look at the pictures."

"They're really expensive! It will be like I'm using you for you money!"

"No it won't be! Now pick one!"

"No..." I frown, closing the small booklet and placing it onto the table. Louis huffed, calling over the waitress from before.

"How may I help you?"

"Can I have a slice of the black forest cake and a slice of chocolate cake."

"You're eating two cakes?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Do you prefer black forest or chocolate, don't want money to go to waste!"

"Louis!" I whine in discomfort.


"Black forest." I grumble.

"That's a good girl." he cooed.

"Do not patronise me!"

"I love you baby."

I growl at him, causing him into laughter,

"Your...face!" He spluttered, laughing loud enough to get some onlookers.

"Your cake,"

"Oh, thank you." Louis calmed down, wiping a tear, I swear it wasn't funny at all.

"The black forest is over there." He points towards me.

I smile fakely at the waitress as she then places Louis' cake down. I am given a fork. I take the fork and stab it into the sponge. Louis was watching my every move.

"Eat your own cake!" I snap, causing him to laugh again.

"Stop laughing at me!" I whine annoyed.

"You're too cute." He smiled, he looked like a little boy. I wanted to squeeze his cheeks.

"You're even cuter when you blush."

"Shut up!" I whine, covering my face.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I giggle.

"Are you sure I didn't give you wine?" He glanced at my 7up, taking a sip of it.

"Nope!" He grins.

"You seem extremely happy today." I comment.

"So do you." He cocked his head towards me.

"Hurry up," I say, gesturing towards his cake. If he doesn't finish that, I will.

"Why, eager to get home and fuck."

"Louis!" I gasp, looking around. Luckily nobody heard, I don't think!

"What? I'm excited too babe, don't be worried!"

I scowl at him, stabbing my cake harder then necessary.

"Baby, the plates here are expensive."

"I know, but tonight is my treat isn't it?"

"Smart one you are."

"That's why I got accpeted into college!" I smile.

He shifted awkwardly before agreeing with me. What was wrong with that?


"I'm so tired!" I sigh, sinking into the leather chair.

"We still need to have my homemade meal again, my cooking is amazing!"

"Louis, you're buying packets of food and just putting them into the oven."

"It's the thought that counts!" He pouted.

"Sure it is." I roll my eyes.

"Well you can cook then!" He frownned, looking hurt.

"Awh, Louis I was joking. I love you." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"I'm driving! Don't do that!"

"Do what?" I tease, placing my hand onto his thigh.



"Yes?" she replied innocently.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"I will pull up the car and won't hesitate to fuck you in the back seat!"

She retracts her hand quickly. I smirk at her.

"Maybe I wanted you to continue."

I watch her cheeks blossom red.

"You're so cute." I coo, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Louis, you just took a wrong turn."

"Shit." I curse, making a U-turn and making my way back.

"Fuck!" I curse again, why the fuck is there a traffic jam at six in the afternoon!"

Cos everybody comes home from work at this time.

Shut the fuck up.

"Calm down love, at least you're with me." Hannah nudges my arm playfully.

"Love?" I arch an eyebrow at her, activating the redness to her cheeks.

"I m-meant L-Louis." she stuttered.

"I bagged a cute one." I grin.


"You mean love,"

"It's you! Your British is rubbing up on me!"

"You're British too!"

"Don't shout at a pregnant woman!"

"Girl!" I sing.

"I will not hesitate to walk home and leave you here." She threatens, attempting to glare.

I bop her nose with a chuckle, relaxing in the leather seat; might as well get comfy!

"Louis. I'm hungry."

"I don't have any food on me." I mumble, patting my pockets.

"It's fine, I just felt like I had to inform you."


I tried to ignore the worries I managed to get, every time I heard her stomach grumble loudly. I bring my hand over hers. Rubbing on her belly.

"We're nearly home Peanut."

I look up to see Hannah's eyes half shut.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we're home."

"Promise?" She yawned.

"Why do I need to promise?" I chuckle.

"You usually carry me upstairs and I sleep to morning!"

"But that means you're tired!"

"Just wake me up when we're home!" She snaped, slumping lower and shutting her eyes.

I chuckle at her, driving forward about five feet. This is going to be a long drive home...



"Hannah, wake up." I hear, someone shook me gently.

"If you don't have food I shall hit you." I grumble, rubbing my eyes.

"I made food, see how smart I was."

"You can't cook." I laugh, opening my eyes to see I was on the sofa.

"Oven chips and grilled steak. With steamed vegetables because you're veggie." He smirked.

"It's the thought that counts." We say in unison.

We both laugh, making our way to the candle lit table.

"You make it look so romantic." I giggle, sitting down on the seat.

"Anything for my babe."

"Don't call me that!" I whine in annoyance.

"I'm sorry baby."

"Just cos I have a baby inside of me, doesn't mean I'm a baby."

"Well, you took the name love."

"Don't get cheeky on me, I will not hesitate to slap you."

"What's with the word hesitate today?"

"It's hesitation day!" I giggle.

"Funny, you are." Louis said in a monotone. I slap him playfully,, digging into my food.

"This is mouth sex!" I moan.

"Save the moaning for later." Louis winked.

"You can't have sex when pregnant!"

"You can!"

"How would you know!"

"I read it helps the baby come quicker!"

"Why would you- eurgh. Just enjoy the food."

"I love you baby." He grinned.

"I love you too." I smile.

"Hesitation day! You're hesitating on making love to me. It will happen."

"No it won't."






"Louis, shut up or I will eat your food."

"Don't you mean you won't hesitate to eat my food!"


"I won't hesitate to kiss you!"

"Louis, just eat."

"I am hesitating to eat."

I glare at him until he finally started to eat.

"I won't hesitate to say that I love you." he whispered softly.


Long time no update!

Bloody hell, I'm exhausted.

Twitter - chamrock_jack

Thankyou for the 100 followers on twitter! 100 true fans(:

If you read my tweet you'll see what I'm up to in the writing life!

Now, I'm off to drink my cup of tea. A tea a day keeps the stress away(:

Hey Eillish(:

Loveyou all!

~Chamrock jack

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