"chaemin! it's time! get your ass out of her—" taehyung cut through and saw the trio inside once he suddenly barged in.

taehyung's cheek blushed at the sight of the new girl, "umm. sorry, what i mean is, chaemin . . the, the wedding is almost about to start" taehyung exclaimed once more as he drag the said girl with him.

"wait! i'm the bride's maid" haine cut through as she pulled her hand away and taehyung stopped midway from walking. jeongguk suddenly felt disappointed as he was not able to hold haine's hand.

the older boy's brows creased, "bride's maid?"

"oh taehyung! i'll get to the introductions later! what's important is you get us two with you!" chaemin explained.

"fine!" the blonde haired boy muttered before grabbing the hand of haine.

before taehyung could fully drag the two away, haine caught a glimpse of the dumbfounded jeongguk as he stood there, clueless.

"jeongguk! see you later!" the girl beamed at him before disappearing in his sight as his lips unknowingly curved into a smile.

    the church bells rang as chaemin stood at the far end of the aisle. the two's eyes met and as the girl's eyes caught sight of jimin, looking quite handsome- she felt herself almost melt. jimin almost choked on air as it was also the first time he had seen his soon to be wife in the white dress. the two was both fidgety as they felt nervousness eat their little heart.

jimin was breathtaking as he was clad in a suite that made him become an epitome of a real prince, his silver hair brushed up and parted on just the right side of his head.  a little curve on his lips begin to form as he saw chaemin start to walk on the aisle when the music started to play.

chaemin started to walk on the red carpet, her arm slung on jin while haine trailed at her back. chaemin's eyes skimmed through the place, for a girl who was hands-on in preparing this event, this was the only time that she had realized how beautiful the place was.the church was breathtakingly beautiful as the wedding was themed aristocrats.

right beside jimin were the boys stood as his best men. they were stunning as all of them where clad in there own formal attires

 they were stunning as all of them where clad in there own formal attires

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jimin was undeniably happy and nervous at the same time. in every step that chaemin made, the more jimin's lips curve into a bigger smile. the boy's eyes was almost nowhere to be seen as it had formed into two cute crescent moons. people could see how much the boy adored the woman that walked in the aisle as just three more steps away from the altar, jimin suddenly marched towards chaemin and held her hand.

haine giggled and let the groom take her best-friend away as she marched towards were the best men stood, precisely beside jeongguk.

"chimchim!" chaemin whispered

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