"but you hate cats"

"My girlfriend bought her for me and this one's actually pretty cute" I shrug and turn to open the door. "girlfriend!?" she says wide eyed "yeah, now if you don't mind, I have work to do"

"Since when did you have a girlfriend!?"

"that doesn't concern you. the fact is. I've moved on and now you need to do the same... goodbye"

"and how does she feel about you having a little fuck buddy on the side?" she says sarcastically "she's fine with it now like I said. I have work to do" I shrug and the door knocks


"and you have a job to look for" I cut her off and open the door to Jeanie "here's your coffee Mr Jackson" she smiles, handing me my coffee and comes in and sits in the chair beside my desk.

"We haven't actually finished talking yet" Lisa frowns at her annoyed

"there's a couple of things I need you to do today, but I'll catch you up on what's been happening while you were gone" I say to Jeanie going to my desk and Lisa huffs and storms out of the room.

"I'm really sorry about that" I say to Jeanie "it's fine" she mumbles "no it's not. if she comes back or says anything to you again just let me know ok?" I say softly and she nods.

I don't know what exactly Lisa's problem with Jeanie is, but for some reason she's always been a bitch towards her ever since I first hired her and I feel really bad about it because she's never done anything wrong. she comes in, does her job then goes home and does't try to involve herself in my personal matters, which is exactly what I need in an assistant.


Lisa's POV

After practically being shoved out of Michael's office, i'm standing the hall way confused as hell as to what's just happened. Michael couldn't possibly have a girlfriend. I spent so much time with Kathrine and LaToya so if he did i'd know all about it.

The only women Michael has been near are the whores he buys from the brothel. He's obviously just making it up to get back at me for the whole rabbit thing. There's no way he could be telling the truth. His whole story sounds ridiculous. 3 days ago he was completely single and going on about not needing or wanting any woman and all of a sudden he has a serious girlfriend and they bought a kitten together. Michael hates all cats including kittens. when we were married I bugged him all the time for one so I know for a fact he's lying.

My thoughts are broken when my phone rings and I see it's my landlord again and I quickly hang up not wanting to talk to her and seconds later I get a text message from her

From: Suzie
you have until the end of the week to pay me the two weeks rent you owe or your ass is out on the streets

"what the fuck am I gonna do?" I sigh heavily to myself, rubbing my temple and trying to think where i'm going to find the money. If I get kicked out I really will be out on the streets. I hear Michael's office door open and hide behind the wall and see Jeanie walking out holding some files and walk down the other end of the hall and once she's out of sight I walk over to Michael's office. i'm about to walk in, but I hear him speaking on the phone to someone and listen in.

"baby, it's fine really. I just wanted to see you for lunch is all.... don't worry about it. I'll still get to see you tomorrow.... call later when you get the chance.... I miss you"

"what the fuck!?" I frown to myself, shocked that Michael wasn't lying about seeing somebody. I don't know who this whore is, but i'm going to find out and there is no way i'm letting some random bitch he probably just met at a club or something worm her way in and take my man.. or his wallet.

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