First steps

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Lisa's POV

It's been months since what happened with Katherine and Michael and luckily for me, Mia and Emma never told Mary about what happened. I've seen what's happened to girls that break the rules hete and the last thing I want is to be on the receiving end of Mary's rage.

Well actually the last thing I'd ever want is to be in this place, but I've quickly learned that I no longer have a choice about that. I wouldn't say I was used to this place and how things are because I'm not and never will be, but I have excepted it.

After breakfast I went upstairs to get ready for the day and Mary walks in.

"Don't bother making plans this weekend. You and Sasha have an overnight job" Mary says and I nod, smiling slightly. As much as hate fucking these disgusting perverts that call themselves 'men' I enjoy when we get booked for overnight jobs because we only have to deal with one creep.

"Did the client say what the occasion was?" I ask "Some hotel reopening. I think it was called Jaseon's or Jackson's. Something like that" she shrugs and leaves me to get ready and I scrunch my face hearing the name 'Jackson' I know it's obviously not the Jackson's I know because their family buisness is real estate not hotels, but the name Jackson still makes me feel sick to this day.

I pretty much begged Michael to help me that day, but he wouldn't even listen and just walked away like I was nothing and he couldn't wait to get back to that little child whore his daddy bought for him and that's something I can never forgive him for. I have know idea what happened to Michael after me and him divorced, but the Michael I last saw was not the Michael I used to know. When we were married he was a kind hearted guy with high morals and would do anything to help anybody and wouldn't dream of walking away from someone asking for help or go anywhere near a brothel and I doubt he would have even known what one was and the Michael I knew certainly wouldn't go anywhere near and underage girl let alone purchase one for his own personal use. That is the part that still shocks and pisses me off today. That little whore clearly got into his head and manipulated him. if it wasn't for her, Michael and I would have been back together and remarried by now, but because of her I'm stuck in this hell hole and she's out there living the high life and fucking that man that should be mine and she won't get away with it. I don't know how or when, but one day that little bitch is going to pay for what she's done to me.

Michael's POV

I wake up and smile to myself watching Leanne sleeping peacefully in my arms. Last night was the first night since she got suspended from School that she slept the whole night without waking up screaming or crying. She's seemed ok during the day, but it's the nighttimes that seem to be the hardest for her.

I look over at the clock then sigh slightly, not really wanting to get out of bed then slowly and gently turn over so Leanne is on her back and peck her lips as tenderly as possible not to wake her. "I love you" I whisper faintly then get out of bed and make my way downstairs to make some breakfast.

I've never actually told Leanne that I love her while she's been awake, not because I'm embarrassed or anything, but because I'm scared that she won't say it back. I know she likes me, but I don't know if she loves me like I love her and I'm not sure I'm ready to take that rejection from her.

Leanne's POV

"Good morning sleepy head" Micheal smiles when I walk into the kitchen. "Good morning" I smile back and peck his lips.

I take a seat at the table and moments later Michael comes over with two plates of chocolate chip pancakes. "What times the meeting?" I ask "10:30 so we'll have to start getting ready soon"

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