The New Squire

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To The Commanding officer of Chivalry Code Named Arthur

This dossier is one of many that has been forwarded to your email to replace the Knight codenamed Galahad who was killed in 2023

Core Intel

Name: Jacob Blackfyre

Age: 24

Height: 5'8

Weight:175 pounds

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Blue

Build: Athletic


D.O.B: October 25 2000

Blood type: B

Known conditions: Dyslexia (shouldn't be a problem sir)

Martial status: Single ( No Wife/Girlfriend so far so good)

Early life

His father Andrew Edison was the British foreign secretary but his biological mother was a member of the Gypsy community in Ireland. His mother Charlotte Blackfyre aged 16 fell in love with Edison who was 43 at the time not to mention married. Edison told her that his marriage was loveless and he'd fallen in love with her, he promised her the world and more, but it's safe to say that Edison was just using Charlotte for sex because as soon as she told him she was pregnant he turned tail and ran.

Charlottes life didn't get any better she was seen as damaged goods and wasn't desirable for marriage within the gypsy community. She ended up working as an escort trying to support herself and her son, 8 years later her life was cut short when one of her clients got a little to rough. Edison was all to eager to take custody of the boy because he'd been having trouble producing an more heirs to his wealth due to his low sperm count.

Edison sent the candidate to boarding school straight away but the candidates lack of formal education certainly showed in class. There are frequent records of name calling, mostly connected to his accent and social class. At the age of 13 the candidate was sent to Eton college and even though he'd picked up on some of the mannerisms of the upper class, he even picked up the accent. But they could hear traces of his Irish accent, to make matters worse some of the children that picked on him in primary school made sure everybody knew his mother was a Gypsy. Reports of physical violence were far more common during the candidates time at Eton.

During this time Andrew Edison died of a heart attack, which was odd because he was perfectly healthy for his age.
His stepmother Susan didn't want the candidate anywhere near the family estate after that so he stayed at Eton during the holidays. After a scrap between the candidate and a few other boys the candidate was kicked out at age 14 after beating one of the boys to a pulp, he even had to have his jaw reconstructed.

After the ordeal the candidate was shipped off to France to attend a prestigious boarding school. Unlike most of his pears though he didn't have the luxury of visiting his parents, alternatively he was looked after by his boxing coach and former French solider Henry Roux. He took the candidate to his family home to stay during the holidays.

When the candidate was 15 Roux was killed in a mysterious car crash. He was also kicked out of school for impregnating one of the maids.he was then sent to Italy and he lived with a distant relatives and of course attending another prestigious boarding school. However he was kicked out by these relatives a years later.Then he attended a boarding school in Switzerland, he was kicked out 2 years later for having sex with another student in the head teachers office. According to the schools report the candidate used stationary to inflict serious damage, which resulted in the other students buttocks being heavily bruised.

He was then sent to Abu Dhabi to attend yet another prestigious boarding school and guess what happened a years later, he was kicked out, for sleeping with a girl that just happened to be the sheikh's daughter, records on this one were almost non existent but according to the guard that caught them in the act 'The white devil wasn't gentle.' Safe to say the sheikh was pissed, if it weren't for the negotiating skills of a particular British emissary he would have been the recipient of over 100 lashes. However a middle ground was reached and the candidate received 5 lashes instead and was deported.

After Graduating college in England the candidate enrolled at CTCRM to become a Royal Marine Officer

Military Service

Military regiment: Royal Marines (2018-2020)

Rank: Lieutenant

Spoken languages: Shelta,French,Italian,Dutch,German,Farsi,Arabic,Polish and Russian.

Other skills

Firearms proficiency

Strong swimmer

Leadership skills

Trained in hand to hand combat

Qualified Pilot ( he learned to fly when he was 16,privileged upbringing at work yet again)

Notable Operations

Operation yellow brick road

Operation Fallen Angle

Operation Iranian Freedom

Operation Red Lake

Operation Polo

Operation Eclipse

Operation White Cat

Operation Guillotine

Operation Jungle Book

Operation Davy Jones Locker

Dishonourably discharged for Drunken disorderly conduct and Assaulting a fellow Officer, Recruitment not advised. (Have faith Sir this one has potential)

Additional notes: The candidate was a well regarded athlete during his school years, he could've easily been a pro swimmer,lightweight boxer and even gymnast. Some of his former coaches were confident he'd be competing in the Olympics.

The candidates former commanding officers noted he showed mental and physical robustness along with a pathological disregard for authority . They also stated he'd be a fine solider if he could follow orders and stop entering more holes than a golf ball.

Due to a combination of the candidates dysfunctional but privileged childhood and his time working as a lone assassin for hire, where he would've worked with many former soldiers and criminals from all over the world he speaks several languages as if they were his mother tongue. Well if I spent all that money on his education I'd be disappointed if he couldn't.

The candidate is also a smoker but the medical examination confirmed his habbits shouldn't bring about any performance concerns in the field. Well he might lose that stamina that serves him so well in the bedroom later on but hey that's his problem.

Candidate is highly motivated known for seeing every operation through despite risk. He's also been known to disobey orders in order to complete an objective.

Candidate was captured by Iranian forces in 2020 after Operation Davy Jones Locker went horribly wrong and toured by their chief interrogators for 11 months. Candidate was subjected to water boarding, beatings, stress positions, sleep/sensory deprivation and mock executions. I believe the candidates Drunken disorderly conduct is linked to this ordeal.

After being discharged the candidate has been working as a contract killer tracking him down shouldn't be to hard.

Assessor Recommendations

I Highly recommend this candidate over the others because although he was discharged by his superiors I believe Lancelot is more than cable of recruiting the candidate and have him go through the training program as one of our new Squires but also turn him into Galahad's replacement.

Assessor Name : redacted

Assessor code name: Guinivre

Division : Ranger Division

Position : Head of Division

Chivalry: Prologue On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara