Chapter 14: First Time

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Jackie's POV

Yesterday was a crazy day at the pool. Between Alex and Sabrina I don't know what I want to do anymore. If Alex has feelings for me, great, but if not what can I do? Maybe Sabrina came back for a reason. Maybe Alex and I are just not meant to be. This could be a sign. Some part of me wants this confusion between Alex and I to signify that we can't work because that would make my love life a whole lot easier.

I dressed myself and planned to take a stroll through the park. There's nothing better than time to yourself to think.


I arrived at the park and entered headphones into my ears. I went to my play list and listened to music.

You should just listen to what Sabrina said.


I went into the bathroom following Sabrina. She stood in front of the mirror applying blush.

"You shouldn't apply blush when we are about to jump into the pool."

She turned her head in my direction. Sabrina studied my face and then laughed.

"Oh you are so pathetic...I have to look good for my soon-to-be-boyfriend and can't let a haunted girl like you get in my way."

Haunted? How does she know?

"Excuse me?"

"Oh wait let me guess. You haven't told him that you have a ghost in your house who follows your every move? Pathetic."

"First of all, this is none of your business. Second of all, I will have you know that Alex knows everything about Skylar."

"Awww cute you gave that thing a name."

She was starting to irritate me.

"He is not a thing. He is a regular boy like us who sadly died."

I began to get teary. I like Alex and Skylar but sometimes I wish Skylar wasn't dead. Sometimes I just need a guy best friend. And it's just easier to open up to Skylar than it is to Alex. I guess it's because Alex is the "cool kid." But then again, he has changed his ways.

"Hello?!?!? Did you even hear a word I just said?????!!!!!!"

"Huh? Oh yah of course."

"Okay then is it clear?"

I had no idea what she was talking about but I said yes.

"Yah. It's 100% clear. You should just state it again so that you don't forget the deal."

She rolled her eyes. She obviously knew I had no idea what she said.

But then a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"I said that you have to stay away from Alex and not be with him because he's mine."


"You already agreed to it so there's no going back. Anyway, you shouldn't waste your time on him. He doesn't really like you. He's just going to keep coming back to me. After all, him and I already had sex.

Oh and let's try to be nice to each other around Alex. I really want to see him happy. Okay? Okay!"

She walked out of the bathroom and left me stunned. I plastered on a fake smile and walked out of the bathroom.

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