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The sun is about to set, the stars soon filled the sky. Every shinobi knows that it is a perfect time to hunt down some bounties or rare scrolls that are hidden in the hands of each clans; this era seems to hold grudges from clans despite from their personal gains... yearning for power.

Never ending conflict of this era continues.

Gathering information amongst different clans still moves.

What could be the best part of it?

It was that one mysterious girl he was looking behind the shadows deep down in the middle of the forest. He kept his eyes locked on the prize: the girl and the scroll she was holding.

"You have to take that scroll or else it wouldn't be the reason why that girl had such extraordinary healing power and can do a perfect chakra control."

"Well, if that's what you want. It'll be easy."

"Don't get so cocky about the girl. Everyone knows she's always with an Uchiha."

"Well, not forever. It's been three years since Madara didn't show up yet. Him and his younger brother went to the Land of Wind to gather information and train themselves to attain another level of their kekkei genkai."

"Oh, and where did you get that kind of information?"

"One of my subordinates."

"Hmm... Very well then. I assume that you take this mission "easy" so you must get back here as soon as possible after you finished your job. Everyone's counting on you in this clan. That forbidden scroll is ours and was never to her."

"Sure. What if-"

"If she puts you up in a fight, send her somewhere far from the Senju base. Your mission is to take the scroll and bring the girl in."

"Why not kill?"

"Let me do that for what she did on me. I'll be giving her some full of surprises."

"And Madara?"

"I have talked to Tajima already and it seems my plan was working out perfectly."

"What for?"

"I'll tell you once you're done with your mission."

"Fine, fine."

Kaerin kept walking in the middle of the forest. Trying to figure out about solving her problem. She let out a sigh, disrupting her train of thoughts.

Another thing why did she went out of their compound was because of Tobirama, telling her that she needs to stop thinking about Madara so much and Hashirama made her calm because Kaerin kept insisting he will come back.

She wasn't really getting crazy about this over and over again.

It was just as she remembered that promises are made NOT to be broken.

She closed her eyes and sighed. For the last time in this day, she's overthinking.

"Still carrying that heavy burden of yours between him. What an idiot." The stranger whispered, keeping his chakra sealed, following his tracks and waiting for an opportunity to attack her. 

The stranger smirked.

He wants to take advantage of Kaerin's distracted mind, and he thinks that she made his work easier.

Soon, he then followed Kaerin behind the shadows and finally have reached their destination.

His eyes widened.

He froze.

He was shocked about what he saw.

There's only one question that crossed his mind.

What is the place that he just saw five seconds ago?

"What do you want?" Kaerin suddenly asked when she quickly teleported behind his back.

The stranger was quite shocked.

Obviously unawared by what he had saw earlier.

He didn't even noticed her. No wonder, it was some genjutsu.

Maybe he was wrong. He shouldn't underestimate the girl.

"It's been a while since the last war, Kaerin Tsukira Senju..."

"I see. From the Sarutobi clan?"

"My clan neither as well my surname doesn't matter." The man said as he turned against Kaerin. One thing he noticed is her eyes, they were kind of attractive. "Fine then. I'll ask you again, what do you want?"

"I just want to take back what's mine, Kaerin."

She smirked.

She quickly got what he wanted.

"You want that?"

"Tch! Don't mock me."

"Well, I'm not, actually."

The stranger thinks Kaerin was playing with him. As soon as Kaerin moved an inch away from him, he quickly puts out his sword filled with poison and points it towards her direction.

Kaerin didn't panicked. A sudden painful memory just crossed her mind.

"What do you think you are doing, Kaerin?"

"Oh, so we're going back to name basis now?"


"Really, Madara?"

"You panicked, and I told you earlier not to."

"Sorry, okay?!"

"Start over right from the beginning. Again."


"Shut up!"

"Tch. Asshole."

"What was that?"


"Being despicable are we, Kira?"

A Sage mode mark appeared right through Kaerin's face as she glared at the stranger who was still pointing his venomous sword.

"Heh. That's how I show my feelings to the man I love the most."


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