Ganondorf X Reader

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I know this isn't a Link X Reader but this was a request from one of my frequent readers. Plus, I like the idea! So if you don't want to read this you don't have to. I'll upload a Link X Reader soon hopefully! Also sorry I haven't uploaded for almost a month. I've been busy.

You looked up at the towering castle in front of you. It was made out of some sort of black material. Gray (or grey) clouds were the only thing in the sky around the castle for miles. You planned to go into the castle and rebel against Ganondorf, the castle's King. Ganondorf planned to take over the world, and you didn't want that to happen.

You walked over to the castle's towering brown doors, and when you put your hand up to knock, the doors had already begun to open. You looked around and saw two skeleton warriors opening up the door. Then, before you could walk any further, the skeletons grabbed you by the shoulders and led you into the castle.

"Why are you here?" One said, jabbing you in the shoulder with his finger.

"I want to speak to Ganondorf." You said, showing full confidence.

"Well, I will see if Ganondorf is open for visitors. Probably not." The second gaurs told you.

You waited with the first guard for a long time. You were uncomfortable. The guard's boney fingers were hurting you. You tried not to show your discomfort. Finally, the first guard came back and grabbed your shoulder yet again.

"Ganondorf says yes. But just this one time. So consider yourself lucky, human. Or, very, very, unlucky." The second guard said.

Both of the guards led you down many hallways, and through many rooms, all of them with bright red carpets. The walls were black and the trim was gold. Eventually you came across a giant circular room, with a gold throne in the middle. And in the throne sat a tall man.

"Hello, my dear. What a pleasure to find you here..." Ganondorf said menacingly.

You glared at him.

"Ah, a feisty one. What did you come here for, my queen?" Ganondorf smirked.

Even though him calling you queen surprised you, you continued to make yourself look confident. "I want you to get out of the land of Hyrule! Ever since you came here, everyone has become miserable and stressed out."

"Aha! So that's it. You want me to leave. Why don't you take a step into my shoes for once? You should get used to my ways of doing things, because I have a plan." Ganondorf stepped off his throne and started to walk over to you.

"You're too horrible for anyone to want to look at things the way you do. Don't come any closer to me!" You felt weak in the legs. You were scared.

"Guards, leave the room." Ganondorf shooed the guards away with his arm. Now he was right next to you.

You went to go massage your shoulder to make it feel better after the guard had dug his bones into it. At the same time you tried to back up. But Ganondorf was too quick. He grabbed your shoulder. You gasped in surprise. You expected Ganondorf to break your bones or hurt you, but he was actually really gentle. In fact, he started to rub your shoulder with his thumb.

"If I'm really a horrible person, why would I be taking care of you, y/n?" Ganondorf looked into your eyes, with a sort of sadness in them.

"Uh, I don't know... But just because maybe you are a good person on the inside, doesn't mean you have to take over the world." You looked down and still tried to back out of Ganondorf's grasp.

"Please stay with me y/n. You're the only person who has ever braved entering my castle. You must be a very kind person at heart."

"Uhm, thanks?" You muttered under your breath. This whole situation with Ganondorf was making you uncomfortable.

Then Ganondorf did something you never expected. He lifted your chin up and then he kissed you. It was very gentle, and he barely touched your lips. But surprisingly you enjoyed it. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks and butterflies enter your stomach.

You couldn't do anything but stand there. You wanted to run, or do something to ether get away from Ganondorf or to break the silence. But your body wouldn't move. Ganondorf seemed to be in the same situation because he wasn't moving either.

"Well, um, anyways y/n, where do you live?" Ganondorf finally said.

"Oh um, I'm not telling you. But I live around two days away from here on foot."

"That's a long time, especially just to see me. Here, I'll let you sleep in a guest bedroom before you leave." Ganondorf winked at you and then turned around and started to walk down a hallway. You followed him so you wouldn't get lost in the giant castle.

---------Time Skip--------

You were in your guest bedroom, about to fall asleep. Ganondorf came in, but you were too lazy to open your eyes. Ganondorf though you were sleeping. He came over to you and bent down over the bed.

"Goodnight, my sweet queen." He said, and then he brushed the hair away from your forehead and gently kissed it.

You smiled and then you fell into a peaceful sleep.

Thanks for reading everyone! This chapter was requested by BronyKomini . I hope you all enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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