Your Hero (Part One)

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"Hey Link, I need to run to the grocery store really quick." You stated.

"But y/n, for what? It's getting dark and you know what that means. Can it wait until the morning?" Link said, his eyes full of worry.

"I need to go tonight or else the cookies I'm making will fall apart." You stated. You knew Link was worried about you. He didn't want you to get hurt by the monsters. But you wanted cookies! Plus, you had never been hurt by monsters before, so why would it happen now?

"Please stay home. I don't want you getting hurt!" Link pleaded.


"O-Okay. Just... Be careful." Link looked into your eyes for a second and then he put your jacket on you.

"I will. Don't worry about me!" You smiled.

You walked outside and skipped along to the market. Link was such a worry wart. But he was your worry wart, and you were grateful for that. At the market you bought butter and milk, the kind that's been imported from Lon Lon Ranch. When you were walking out the market doors you realized that it was completely pitch black.

"Oh well." You chimed to yourself, your bag of groceries in your hand.

You were halfway to home when it all started to go wrong. You were in a quiet  part of town, and no one was around. Suddenly you heard a scream. You tried to run, but you couldn't. You frantically tried to do anything, something that would help, but you were frozen.

"Oh no. Anything but ReDeads. Anything." You thought to yourself, still trying to move.

Then it climbed onto your back. You screamed. Suddenly you could move again, but you knew it was too late. You tried to pry its hands off of your shoulders, but it was stronger than you. After what felt like hours of pain it let go. You panted and swung your bag of groceries in its face.

Then you heard another scream, but from behind you. Now their were two. The second one climbed onto your back again, but this time it reached its arms over your shoulders and clawed at your stomach.

Red, everywhere.

You felt like everything was red. Your vision was red. Nothing could be worse than two ReDeads. Oh wait, how about three? Just as the second one jumped off your back, a third one climbed onto your leg. The first and second one kept screaming.


"Ah!" You wailed, and then fell onto your back, your leg unable to support you. Looking down, you saw that your left leg had been broken, the bone sticking out at an unnatural angle. Blood, bone, bruises. Ew. You tried to keep your consciousness, but it was hard. You were going to die.

Red. Red everywhere. Please, no more red. Please. Red. Red. Green.

Green?! Was Link here, or where you imagining things? You heard more screaming ReDeads, and then, suddenly, nothing. Were you dead? Surely you were dead. No one lives through a ReDead attack. With the exception of Link.

You felt someone, or something, pick you up bridal style. The skin was smooth, unlike the rough skin of a ReDead. In fact, the skin felt like Link's.

"L-Link?" You muttered, shivering.

"Yes. Shh... Y/n. You're gonna be okay."

And then you lost consciousness.


"Y/n? Are you awake yet?" You heard Link say, it sounded like he was far off in the distance.

"mmhmm." You then rolled over and groggily rubbed you eyes. Then the pain hit you. "OW!"

"Oh, oh, y/n don't move. I'll be right there." Link hurried over to your bed and stood over you.

"What happened?" You asked.

"You were attacked by ReDeads. I killed them, but you were already hurt. You've been out for the whole night. Luckily I just captured this fairy." Link held out the bottle with the fairy in it to you.

"Thanks." You tried to open the bottle, but in your weak state you failed.

"I'll open it." Link smiled. You handed the bottle to him, and he opened it, holding it out so the fairy would fly to you, and not him.

Suddenly you felt much better. Your cuts and bruises turned into almost healed marks.

"Yay! Thank you so much, Link!" You sprung up out of your bed to give Link a hug. But you winced in pain and almost fell over.

Link caught you, his hands on your waist. You blushed and then sat down, slowly.

"Slow down. Your leg is still broken." Link sighed and gave you a hug. "Be more careful from now on."

You hugged Link back and smiled. "I'll try. Thanks for taking care of me."

"You're welcome. Y/n."

Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long. The next chapter will be a sort of continuation of this one. Also, I'm thinking that maybe, if someone wants me to, I could write a lemon. Anyways, thanks for reading, bye!

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