Surface to Skyloft

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I haven't played Skyward Sword in so long and I forget most of it! 😭 Please forgive me if I screw this chapter up.


Today was a cloudy day, so you decided to pick some berries instead of staying with the Kikwi in their home. (Do the Kikwis have a home? I honestly forget everything.) It was Summer, so if you went outside on a sunny day, you burned like crazy. Inside the Kikwi's home it was nice and cool. But you were hungry, and why not grab some yummy fruit?

You walked over to your favorite berry bush, which was only a few feet away from your house. But there where no berries. You looked at your Kikwi brother.

"Did you eat all these?" You asked, suspicious.

"Yeah, I was hungry! But there's another bush over there somewhere." The Kikwi pointed in the opposite direction.

"Okay, thanks!" You smiled.

You were raised by the Kikwi. They didn't really know how you got on the Surface, as all the humans lived on Skyloft, but they didn't want to leave you to die so they raised you as one of their own. You were a baby when they found you.

You walked in the direction that your brother had pointed you towards. You weren't seeing anything. But you trusted the Kikwi so you kept going. Eventually you decided to turn around and check to see what was around you. That's when you realized you were lost.

"How do I get lost in this woods? I grew up in this very place and I'm lost. It's not like someone would get lost in their own house! Ugh, I'm so stupid..." You muttered to yourself.

"I don't think you're stupid. This is a very confusing place." A human had pushed away a tree branch and walked into the same clearing that you were in.

"Ah! What are you?" You yelled, surprised.

"What do you mean, what am I? My name's Link, if that's what you're wondering. Are you lost?" This human, named Link asked you.

"Uh, yeah. I'm lost." You said, still shocked by this human.

He laughed. "I'm lost too. It's weird seeing a human on the Surface though. I come from Skyloft. How about you?"

"Well, the Kikwis raised me. I don't know how I got on the surface, maybe I fell from Skyloft? I probably would've died from that far up though."

"What are Kikwis?" Link asked.

"Oh. I'll show you." You said, turning to go home. Then you stopped. "Well, if I wasn't lost I'd show you." You said sadly.

"Which way do you think you came from?"

"That way." You pointed.

"Well, let's go in that direction and if we end up even more lost, at least we'll be lost together!" The boy smiled.

You and him headed in that direction. As you were walking, you were asking him many questions about life on Skyloft. He also asked you questions about the Surface. When Link talked, he was so passionate about the things he missed. You felt sorry for him. You wanted to ask him what he was doing on the Surface in the first place, but you were afraid that would be rude.

You also felt something as you were walking with him. You didn't know what it was. Something you had never felt before... And it was a good feeling, definitely. Whenever the boy smiled, or laughed, or even when he talked. You felt so... happy? Was that the word? You felt like you wanted to give him a hug. But not in a family type of way. In a more... Special kind of way? You weren't sure.

When you and him finally found the Kikwis, you were so happy.

"Yay! I'm not lost!" You smiled. "Link, this is a Kikwi." You had your sister walk over to Link. She was a little afraid at first, but she warmed up to him eventually.

Then the leader of the Kikwis walked over to you and Link. "Y/n, I think you should be brought back to where you belong. Human, whoever you are, would you mind taking this girl up to Skyloft?"

"Sure, but only if that's what she wants." Link said, looking at you questioningly.

"I'd be happy to go to Skyloft. Just I need to pack up and say goodbye to the Kikwis." You smiled.

You ran into the Kikwi's home and grabbed all your belongings. Then you walked outside and gave each individual Kikwi a hug. When you were done, Link called his so called "Loftwing." You had never hear of a "Loftwing" before. Then Link helped you get onto the Loftwing. After that he jumped onto it, him in front of you.

"Bye!" You shouted as the Loftwing flew into the air. "I'll visit someday!" You waved to the Kikwi and once they were out of distance you freaked out. "Link! We're so far up in the air! What if I fall off?" You asked, panicking.

"Just wrap your arms around me and you won't fall." Link said.

"Uh, okay." You put your arms around Link, and awkwardly held on to him. Was this what he wanted you to do?

"Y/n, it's okay. You can give me a hug." Link said.

"Oh, yeah uh... yes okay!" You stumbled upon your words as you gave Link a hug.

You felt your cheek get a warm fuzzy feeling, and you felt like butterflies were in your stomach. This was a weird, but good feeling. As Link flew in circles, you got more afraid. You didn't want to fall off! So you just kept hugging Link. What were you feeling?

"Link, I don't know what's going on with me. I feel like I'm feeling so many different things at once. What is this feeling?" You asked, very disoriented.

"Is it love, y/n? Because when you look at me and smile, that's what I feel. I love you!"


Was the ending good? I feel like it was kind of abrupt, but oh well. I also don't know if I got the Kikwis to be the same as they are in the game. Probably not.

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