"Im going to see Pepper." I point out, reaching forward to take the keys from him. But Zeke steps back and raises the keys above his head.

My eyes turn ice cold and I pull them out of his hands. Zeke's fast, snatching them from the air.

"I know how to drive, Zeke." I argue.

"No way am I letting you drive. You came home yesterday and you've been stabbed. Im driving." Zeke orders, planting a kiss on my right cheek and skipping out of the front door.

I follow him, annoyance bubbling in my system. I lock the door behind me and climb into the shiny blue ferari, that my dad bought me for my birthday as a teenager.

"You scratch this car and I will make you pay for it." I threaten, Zeke just laughs and reverses out of the driveway.

Waving goodbye to Zeke, I press the doorbell to my old home. Pepper answers, pulling me into a tight hug the second she opens the door.

"Ow, Pepper, stab wound." I whine.

Pepper instantly pulls back, her eyes scanning me all over and her hands stay on the inside of my arms.

"Thank God you are okay. We've been worried sick!" Pepper points out.

"I know." I mumble, forcing myself to look away from her scared eyes.

Her long blonde hair is brushed into a ponytail, her fringe to the side and her make up pale. Pepper is dressed in black suit trousers, a white shirt and a suit jacket with black heels that pulls the outfit together.

I hear Sheye crying, so loud and Pepper sighs.

"Do you want me to get her?" I offer.

"Yes please, thank you."

Pepper opens the door fully and I step inside, into the first living room with two semi circle white sofas. I walk to the right, down a white corridor and the cries get louder.

The wooden door is painted pink, already ajar, I step inside and the sun seeps through the pink curtains. Sheye is lied on her back, waving her arms around in the air as she cries for attention, her bright caramel eyes shining with tears. Beside her head is the pink teddy bear, that includes a star named after Sheye, that we bought her and the cream coloured personalized blanket. On the wall above her white wooden cot is a photo of Pepper, my dad, Aiden and Sheye sat in the hospital, all smiling at the camera. At the end is a set of white chest of drawers and a matching wardrobe.

"Hey, Princess, what are you crying for?" I whisper, my finger brushing her silk like cheek. She stops crying, turning her head towards me and her tongue flicking my finger.

I slide my hand under her head and another holding her body. I gently lift her into my arms, placing her on my right shoulder. Sheye lifts her head and sucks on my hoodie shoulder. I hear her licking as i carry her out of her bedroom and down the corridor, into the living room. Pepper smiles at me as she pours herself some tea into a purple 'mum' mug.

I place one of my hand on the back of Sheye's head and another on her back. She begins to gurgle and talk to herself.

"Pepper, did you pick up Sheye, i thought i heard her crying?" My dad shouts from down the hallway.

"Someone else picked her up." Pepper shouts back.

Dad steps into the living room, his eyes wide red and puffy, from crying. He wears jeans and an old band t-shirt, his arc light standing proudly through the material. Sheye lifts her towards the sound of her dads voice, sucking on her own finger.

"Hey, Skye." Dad smiles, walking towards me. He strokes Sheye's cheek and she turns towards him on my shoulder, lifting her head.

"Hello, my little darling." Dad teases in a small, babyish voice.

"Is your daddy being silly? Yes, he is. Say 'silly daddy'." I joke.

Suddenly, Pepper bursts into tears and races out of the room, holding her hands over her face. Confusion hits me and I glance at my dad.

"Did I say something?" I question.

"I don't know. I'll go see her." Dad announces, kissing Sheye on the head and walking out.

I bounce Sheye in my arms, her sucking getting louder on my shoulder.

I gently lift Sheye from my shoulder and hold her in the crook of my arm, she begins to snuggle in.

"Are you being trouble for your mummy?" I question.

Her eyes shine beautifully and a small smirk dances on her lips. Almost saying yes.

"Have you been naughty, Sheye?" I whisper.

"Yes, she has." A small voice answers.

I look up to see Aiden walking into the living room, at age 10 his eyes are mature but hasn't told his body yet, his brown hair still short and messy. His small, bright face shines with happiness.

I sit down on the sofa and Aiden sits to my left, so he can see Sheye's face.

"Why has she been naughty?" I quiz.

"She doesn't stop crying and being sick." Aiden whines.

"You were exactly the same as Sheye when you were her age." I point out.

Aiden stares at me in disbelief, his lips pouting and shaking his head. I laugh at him and he laughs back.

My dad sits on my right, I look up as he sighs, shaking his head.

"Do you want me to go? I'll ring Zeke to come pick me up as he won't let me drive." I offer, feeling uncomfortable.

"Aiden, why don't you go give mummy a cuddle?" Dad suggests. Aiden jumps up, racing down the hallway.

"It's fine. She just thinks something is going to happen to me. It's her emotions after having Sheye or something."

"Because she was early and you stayed with me instead?" I question.

"Something like that."

"She's right to be worried. Zeke is exactly the same, won't even let me drive here on my own."

"I understand they think me and you are always in danger, but you can't live your whole life permanently scared." Dad points out, placing his elbow on the sofa arm and leaning his face on his palm.

"Thank you. Will you explain that to Zeke please?"

---------------------------------------------- thoughts on this chapter? I know not a lot happened, but I will get better.

Vote and comment please, thank you for reading!

Innocent (Stark's Daughter 7)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz