(Stark's Daughter 7)

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Since nearly dying from her mutation, Skye has been more careful.

But, when someone copies her suit and shows the world how dangerous Skye Stark can be. SHIELD has no choice but to step in and protect her.

However, Skye has other ideas.


Skye?" A voice asks. I refuse to look up, my eyes stay fixed on Zeke lying at my feet.

"Skye...why is Zeke bleeding on the floor unconscious?" Captain questions.


Photo source: http://rohanrathore.com/blog/2013/04/the-other-side/


I don't own rights to any of the characters in this story, except from Skye and Zeke, Hope and Lucas. Marvel owns the rights to Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and other marvel characters. I do not own any rights to them at all

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