Week 2: Pieces of a Puzzle

Start from the beginning

"It's good to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way." Stiles looked ahead of us, and made a signal at the person coming towards us. It was probably Scott. 

Does everyone in Beacon Hills look like some sort of model? Here this guy comes, with beautiful tanned skin and a jaw that was just slightly crooked. He was just as gorgeous as everyone else that I've met here. There must be some sort of law against looking norm-

He caught up with us, and gave me a friendly smile. "I'm Scott, and you must be Dylan. Right?"

Does everyone know my name here? Not that I'm complaining.

"Yeah, I'm Dylan. How does practically everyone know my name here, is there some billboard I don't know about?" I looked up into his chocolate-colored eyes.

"Actually, I overheard your conversation a little bit and I caught your name." He put his hands in his pockets and looked at me.

I laughed. "You must have really good hearing."

Stiles and Scott shared a look, and they both laughed to themselves. There must be some inside thing I don't know about yet.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Scott smirked at Stiles, and Stiles winked at him. 

Yeah, there's definitely something about these two I don't know yet.


Scott lightly brushed against Stiles' arm with his elbow, and Stiles looked like he remembered something important.

"We've gotta go. We're going to Derek's. You probably shouldn't be alone in this forest at night, do you- do you want to come with us?" Stiles was looking around for something, I didn't know what. He said I shouldn't be alone in this forest, what does that mean? What's so special about this forest?

I took in a nervous breath. "Sure, I'll tag along with you guys."

Most people wouldn't meet two strangers in the middle of the night and then get into that stranger's blue Jeep to go someone's house. But I'm not most people.

We were going to Derek's house. I was hoping right now that they weren't serial killers who were luring me into their trap. 

Andri always said I should take risks more often. This probably isn't what she had in mind, but hey, talking to strangers is how you make friends. 


We arrived at the place. They said that we were going to Derek's loft, but they seemed to forget to mention the ten flights of stairs we'd have to go up first.

The building was pretty... abandoned. I felt like I was in the first five minutes of a Supernatural episode, about to be lured to my death.

After we'd made our way up all of the stairs, I noticed that it didn't exactly look like the kind of place someone would actually live in.

Oh. My. God. 

This is a murder shed. I knew it! Why the hell would they be murderers when all of them could've been models or actors... or something?!

I heard voices. One of them sounded like Derek's voice. Well, at least they didn't lie about that part.

"Erica, you are going to have to learn to be able to control your shifting before the next full moon." Who's Erica, and why was Derek telling her to control her shifti-

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