Alternate dimension

Start from the beginning

His lips tackled mine and I moaned a loud and shameful moan. The kiss was urgent, pleading. 'You're killing me señora.' He whisper moaned against my lips and it was my undoing...well it would have been, only Jace's footsteps sounded, rounding the corner and I pulled away politely, if he did like me, I wasn't going to rub it in his face, not that he hadn't seen Raph and I kiss before but I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  Raphael pulled me back in an instant, though and I didn't resist; I couldn't even if I wanted to, he had me in the palm of his hand and I was thriving off it. I immersed my hands in his thick hair eliciting another moan or two from him and he pressed his hands up against the stone wall.  I suddenly forgot all about Jace, about the cup about Valentine and everything else but Jace cleared his throat, snapping me back to reality. Raphael's head snapped in his direction and he didn't bother hiding his glare. I slapped Raphael's chest and gave him a scolding look and his eyes softened when they met mine; he sighed, letting the scowl fall.

'Take care of her.' He spoke curtly and I internally winced at the blanket of tension falling over us. 

Jace gritted his teeth, 'I always do.'


Entering the portal, I found myself in a kitchen...our old family kitchen opposite two figures; a bald man mother. It was them. It was my parents!  'Now tell me about this new boy...where does he live?'  Valentine's voice was calm and curious but his eyes held a devilish look that caused my Mom to look at him suspiciously, 'oh Val! Give the girl a break!' She hit him over the back of the head and rolled her eyes. Valentine laughed and shot me a cheeky look, a look I tried to avoid...he was Valentine...alternate universe or not, he was a murderer. I froze up. He was right there. How could I trust him?

As time passed, I loosened up a little, reminding myself that he wasn't a threat here and that I had a mission.  My parents looked content and peaceful. If I had ever dreamt of what the perfect family would act like, I guess it would have been like that.  It was easy to just be, everything seemed calm and happy. There was no danger, no hate, no murderous Shadow world. 


'Where have you been chika! I've been texting you like crazy!' Isabelle practically yelled at me from the picnic table everyone gathered round. I scanned the gathering; Izzy looked like an adorable nerd in her big glasses and Star Wars T-shirt, Alec looked like an ordinary guy with his messy hair and loose hoody...Nora would melt...but wait, who was that sat on his lap? The blonde beauty herself turned round and grinned at me, 'hey babe! You better still be coming to mine tonight to get ready?' She told me, in more of an order than a question, as usual, 'urm...ready for what?' 

'That isn't the least bit funny,' Izzy began explaining the Institute's anniversary party she planned for tonight but I tuned out as I watched my best friend turn around and lock lips with Alec freaking Lightwood. The two moved in sync as they enjoyed one and others company like a young couple. I watched them, grinning a little.

'Stop staring Eb, I'm not going to hurt her.' Alec told me playfully as he tucked her hair gently behind her ear, smiling sweetly into her eyes the entire time. I grinned at the two, they looked so...perfect. 

'Hey beautiful...' A deep husky voice whispered into my  ear as two muscular arms snaked round my waist, Jace? I turned round in the blonde's arms, confused and he pecked me on the nose.  He had a cheeky glint in his eyes. 'Why are you-' I was cut off when his lips found mine and he kissed me passionately.  I couldn't lie, he was a good kisser but not as good as Raphael, whom I found myself unconsciously comparing him to.  No one was as good as Raphael as far as I was concerned, he was so...ugh I don't know he just oozed sex! Speaking of,  I realised that Raph wouldn't be a vamp in this dimension and would be...well, old or probably dead since there wasn't a supernatural world here meaning I guess that he would never have been turned or killed by the Vampires that killed his brothers.  I saddened at the though.  Whilst I always regarded Raphael as a Vampire rather than trying to make him seem human,  the idea that he was killed so young with his siblings...well, it made my heart sink. It was awful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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