Chapter 13

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I have to the conclusion that I love him.  I'v Grown closer to him since I got my ass beat and woke up to his strange face. I didn't want to get too attached to him. I'm used to suck dick for a living, like who would possibly love that.

I try not to look down on myself but who the fuck am I kidding? I used to stick stranger's dick in my mouth for $300. Did I like it? FUCK NO! But that was my reality for three years. Ahmed broke me beyond repair. He called me all kinds of bitches and hoes, beat me whenever he felt like it, and of course he wouldn't be Ahmed if he didn't forcefully touch me when he felt like it. Yes I was beat into this life and forced to do shit I would never imagine doing. But I know how people would look at me if they knew the truth about my life.

Cameron. Oh my shit Cameron might disown me and never speak to me again. What brother wants an ex pill and alcohol addicted prostitute as a little sister?  For the last three weeks I've been doing through withdrawal. The shaking, sweating, lose of appetite and mood swings. The only hope that kept me going was being able to see Cameron and Ashton one day.  Maybe when I'm finally able to see my older brother and nephew, maybe Cameron wouldn't hate me because I've been able to change my life around. A girl can only hope right?

Also making the Brooks man in my life proud also. I've grown to love him so of course I want him to be proud of me and over look what I used to be. I'm been clean of alcohol and pills but it's caused me to have slight depression. Instead of taking pills to help with my depression, I've focused on other things in life to help. I talk a walk around the neighbor to clear my mind. I'm even drove three miles to the beach just to watch the sunset over the water.

Sometimes my thoughts become a little to much to handle and I find myself thinking negative, but he comes in and makes everything better. His smile and laugh just bring a sense of peace over me. When I've had a bad day, I have this need to be around him so all the gloomy thoughts go away.  He brings me a sense of relief and a newfound happiness. Marcus and Alex have even commented on the happiness I feel around him.

A knock on my door tears me from my thoughts. "Yes" I call out. The doorknob turns and the door opens slightly before a head pops in.

"Annie? Are you ready?" Caleb questions looking at me. He smiles as if he knows I was just thinking about him.

"Yes." I answer the person I've grown to love. Caleb Brooks has a solid place in my heart. I tried to deny it, but I love this little boy. He's so amazing and thoughtful to be so young. It's like he can pick up on when I'm having a bad day.

"Good! I have something for you! Now close your eyes. Please." Caleb demands me. I do as he says and allow his little body to pull me away from my room. With my eyes shut tight I can hear people moving and whispering.

"Alright now wait!!!" Caleb's excited voice rings out. "Okay now open your eyes." I do as I'm told. "SURPRISE!!" Voices yell out causing me to stumble a little. Quentin comes to my aid, holding my arms to help me steady myself.

"You're alright?" Quentin questions while checking to make sure I'm not hurt.

"Yes thank you." I smile in response. He steps away giving me a view of the room. The room is decorated in red and silver decorations. Streamers, balloons, party hats, food, drinks, and ribbons fill the once simple living room and kitchen.

"What's all this?" I ask Quentin only for Caleb to answer.

"It's your party!!!!" The little 6 year old clings to my legs in a hug.

"It's not my birthday though." I say I'm complete confusion.

"True. But this is your graduation party." A soft sweet voice calls out from
behind. Turning around I see the smiling face of Alice with a smirking Henry next to her. Before giving her a chance to speak, I'm pulling her into a hug. I cling to her as if she will disappear if I don't hold her tight enough. I haven't seen Alice and Henry in person since they were helping me plan my escape. I've been able to face time them and talk over the phone but it's nothing like having them near me.

"Awe don't cry Pumpkin. We're here and you're alright." Henry says with a smile as he wipes my tears away.

"Yes, we're here to celebration your graduation love. So smile." Alice gives me a hug while her eyes shine with happiness.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Turning around I see Marcus standing on a crate. He's wearing a simple white polo and black slacks.

"Today we are celebrating the graduation of Anais, who now has a Bachelors Degree in Childhood Education with an Associates Degree in Childhood Counseling . She's come into our lives and made herself at home. She achieved a dream that seemed impossible due to her tough life, yet she did it. I'd like to ask the graduate herself to come give a speech." Caleb leads me towards Marcus. Marcus helps me on the crate and I look at the crowd. Marcus, Quentin, Alice, Henry, Alex, and Caleb. A very small crowd yet so important to me.

"Uhmmmm I wasn't expecting any of this. I was surprised when Caleb and Quentin told me to put on a dress. It's a great surprise. Um I've been living her for five months now and I've been able to achieve things my parents dreamed for me. I graduated from school online, I have my driver's license, and of course I have you all."

"Awws" Alice says making us laugh.

"Henry and Alice are the grandparents I've never gotten the chance to know. Marcus is that greedy older brother while Alex is slightly crazy and shy. Caleb is just an amazing person while his father is a great man. You've all helped me achieved this dream. My last  life wasn't the best but what I have with you all now is just amazing. Thank you and let's eat!" I finish my speech with misty eyes while Alex helps me down from the crate.

Marcus cuts on music causing our little party to dance and enjoy ourselves. A local wing place catered the little get together while a bakery made a cake. Marcus stuffs his face with food as expected while Alex talks with his Uncle Henry. Alice finds herself dancing with Caleb, and is emoji ting every second of it.

"Why are you in the corner at your own party?" Looking to my left I find Quentin leaning against the same wall as me.

"Just watching everyone enjoy themselves. Thank you for hosting the party at your house and helping with everything. It's been so long since I've heard someone throw a party in celebration of what I did." I tell him

"No problem. You deserve it. I have no idea what your previous life was like but you've achieved so much here. You've gotten Caleb to open up and he usually is shy around strangers. You've achieved a lot in so little time. And that's why I wanted to give you this." He pulls out a small bracelet and hands it to me. I open the box to find a gold necklace inside. The necklace holds a heart shape necklace with some kind of crystals in it. The top half holds yellow crystals while the bottom half holds red crystals. As I turn the pendant all the crystals shift to the top turning yellow and when I shift them to the bottom they all turn red.

"Caleb and I picked this out for you. It's a symbol of started over. You can never forget or give up your past, but you can't allow it to define your present and future. Only you know the dark secrets of your past, but you can turn them into bright goals of the future." Quentin explains as I examine the beautiful necklace.

"Thank you so much." I pull Quentin into a hug and he wraps his arms around me. His embrace holds warmth and something comforting about it. We slowly lean back from the hug. I find myself leaning towards Quentin to give him a kiss on the cheek. Before I know it, my lips are pressed against his cheek in a long kiss on the cheek. I pull away and look up into his eyes hoping I didn't angry him. I see his eyes looking down at me while a soft smile plays on his lips.

"Would you like to dance?" He questions earning a nod from me. The night was spent dancing, eating food, cutting cake, and enjoying the six people who came out to celebrate an important moment in my life. I was even graced with a dance from a smiling Caleb who told me all about how him and Quentin picked out the necklace just for me. I even got to tuck him in bed when he was tired earning a heart stoping yet sleep filled "I love My Annie" only to tell him how much I loved my Caleb right back.

Today was one step towards a new life. Yes eventually I will have to tell everyone about my past, I just hope they don't hate me or look at me any different. My heart would break knowing Caleb no longer loved me. And maybe I want to be in his dad's good side also.

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