Chapter 12

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It's Wednesday and I'm sitting in my room finishing school work. I'm officially four weeks away from receiving my Bachelors in Childhood education. I'm beyond happy and excited. I used to suck dick for money and now I will be able to make an honest living. Teachers don't make a lot of money, but I could care less. I'm away from something I was forced to do for years. I'm beyond happy.

I've been living with Quentin and Caleb for four months. Quentin scared the hell out of me at first. I was scared he would harm me like Ahmed used to. Over time I've been able to see he isn't so bad. Do I fully trust him? Hell fucking nah!! But I trust Caleb.

Caleb Brooks has been the healing factor I've needed. I don't think I would have made it so far with out his brown brown eyes and his smile. He is always so happy and energetic. When I first woke up , the thought of suicide was constantly on my mind. Seeing Caleb's smile and him giving me band aids because he wanted to help my pain just made it easier for me to choose to live. He reminds me so much of  my nephew Ashton.

I miss Cameron and Ashton so much. I've wanted to call him and apologize for lying to him. He asked me so many times if everything was alright and I constantly lies to him. Why couldn't I just tell him the truth? I was so scared for him and Ashton. They are the only family I have left. I would rather be forced to suck sick for money for the rest of my life before I allow Cameron and Ashton to be harmed. Cameron tried to step up after our parents died. He did an amazing job, but I was being a normal teen. Angry at the world for taking my parents and not listening to the only person I had left. If I knew the shit that I know now at 21 that I thought I knew at 17, I would have listened to Cameron more.

I can't sit and dwell on the past. Only try to make my future better. I have no idea how long I'm "dead" but I hope to see Cameron and Ashton again before I die. Alex gives me weekly updates on them. He has people watching them so I know that are safe. He even gave me pictures of them when they went to a park one day. Ashton is Cameron's little clone. They share everything from their light brown skin tone to their dark green eyes. I would love to have my brother give me a bear hug and tell me that I have a big ass head like old times. I can only hope to see my family again one day.

The ringing of an alarm knocks me from my thoughts. It's 12:30pm time to leave and pick up Caleb from school. I make sure to lock all the doors in the house after setting the alarm. Walking out side I get into my white 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee. About two weeks ago Caleb, Quentin, Marcus and I went to a car dealership to look for a car for me. I wanted a small car while Quentin and Marcus wanted me to get a Ram truck. Caleb happened to see this car and fell in love with it. He has good taste so I got the car. It's in great shape to be three years old.

Quentin put me through hell when I got the car. He made me go through a 'Driving with Caleb' test. Apparently I need to be on the look out all the time when I'm driving Caleb places. He would sit in the passenger seat and yell out random things. Once he yelled out "DEER!" causing me to jam on breaks. Only for this dread headed niggah to say "It was just a test". I kicked him out my jeep and made him walk home. The sad thing was we were only two blocks away from the house.

I was annoyed at first but I remembered that Caleb is his son and he just wants to make sure baby boy is safe. I can't blame him for being a caring father. Especially after what SHE did to him. Whose SHE? I have no fucking idea. All I know is SHE hurt Caleb and I hate her for that. Quentin will tell me about SHE when he is ready to. I will do the same with my past.

I park in the visitor's parking out before getting out and locking my jeep. Shallow Creek Elementary School is the name of the large green buildings. I past little kids getting on the school bus and some walking with their parents. I arrive at the door covered in pictures painted by students. I'm about to open the door but I see something through the window of the door that upsets me.

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