And so I left their house and walked to Patrick's red pick-up truck parked in front of his garage. And already, he's trying to be a gentleman. He opens the door and gestures me to hop in. I'm already loving this. Patrick hops into the drivers seat and starts the car.

"So...where do you want to go?" Patrick asks me as he pulls out of the spot he parked.

"Take me anywhere!" I answer as I put on my seatbelt. "As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters."

He gives me a cheeky smile and takes me to the city. I should have said something else, but I wasn't going to let that spoil the day. As long as I'm with him, then that's all that matters. Once he found a spot to park, he takes me out of the truck and takes me to the park, where it's peaceful. A perfect time for us two to be together.

The stars are shining at the dark sky, the breeze was warm, yet cool and refreshing, crickets can be heard chirping, hiding somewhere in the bushes. I pulled Patrick closer to me, tempted to feel his warm body and hear his heart beating.

"I'm glad I said yes." I said to Patrick as I look down watching my steps. Patrick gives me a kiss on my head. The warm kiss made me tingle, making me want him to kiss me again.

We both followed the path, letting it take us wherever it takes us. My breath was taken away by the beautiful view I could have ever seen. We reached the end of the path, where it took us to the edge of the island, and in front of us, was the city of Brooklyn. Lights flickered from the city windows and street lights, the waves were gentle, but you could still hear them crashing into the wall, feeling the little drops of water touching your skin.

I looked at Patrick, who also enjoyed the view he took me. His musky cologne made me closer to him. I place my left and on his waist and looked into his glowing eyes. I decided to go for it.

At first, the kiss was brief, but he kissed me back seconds later, making the kiss last longer and making it feel more special. I felt the weight come out of my shoulders. I felt free. I'm glad I did this. I never wanted it to stop, but after a while, I broke the kiss, still wearing that smile on my face. Something was bothering me. And it's driving me crazy. I didn't know what, but I kept it to myself and carried on with the date that Patrick and I are having.

Patrick took me back to the busy city in Staten Island, his hand wrapped close to me so that we're like peas in a pod, and took me to an Italian restaurant. We weren't going to eat inside the restaurant, because I had Chinese, so instead, we ordered food for the go. I ordered a small rectangular portion size cheese pizza while Patrick ordered a medium sized pizza with cheese, green peppers and mushrooms.

We both find a bench to sit on so that we can eat our pizza. The view is a lot less romantic, hazy, since we're both looking at the streets, cars passing by, people walking home, lamposts flickering.

"How's your pizza darling?" he asks me.

"It's delicious." I answer with my mouth still chewing on the pizza. "I would finish this, but I'm still full from the Chinese I had a while back." I add, leaving the last mouthful of pizza for Patrick to finish off.

He scoffs my last piece in one go. A man who would eat like that would be called a pig or a slob, but for him however, that's a different story. He's too gorgeous to be called a slob. I just watch him in awe.

"Careful, you don't want the sauce on your jacket." I warn him as I watch him chew.

"It's alright love." Patrick says after swallowing the last piece of pizza. "I'm always careful." Patrick states as he wipes his mouth with his hand, removing the remaning crumbs on his face.

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