Chapter 2

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*****Connors POV*****

I was on my way to Evan's room in the hotel to meet up with him like we planned. I realised how long it had been since we had seen each other and I started to get a little exited, unknowingly I was running down the hallways in pure enthusiasm to see him. I was almost at his room and was counting down the numbers. 14, 12, 10. I turned the corner to check the numbers on that side and BAM! Whoops...

It took me a second to recall what had just happened and I saw someone very familiar looking almost fall to the ground. In split second thinking I caught her and lowered her down to the floor gently. What did I just do! I must have really hit her hard when I ran into her. I decided to wait there until she regained consciousness. She was still breathing though, which was a good sign.

I waited for her to show some sign of life and when she started to look like she was awakening I knelt by her side so I could ask her if she felt ok. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache". She replied with a very strong familiar accent I couldn't place where from, "Why were you running down the hallway in the first place?"

"I'm meeting a friend and I guess I got a bit exited" I replied "I'm really sorry, I should have been more careful. I'm Connor by the way".

"Do I know you from somewh... " her beautiful deep brown eyes widened, " You're Connor Franta!"

"The one and only!" I joked, then I stupidly said " Your the only ten I see so you must be from Tennessee". She giggled and I realised I stuffed it up. How purely embarrassing.

"I get that you don't use pick up lines much, am I right?" She asked me.

"Well, yeah". Was the only thing that would come out of my mouth at the moment.

"I'm Lori".

*****Lori's POV*****

"I'm Lori". I said introducing myself. Connor smiled and looked down at the ground. I know in some of his videos he said he was a little awkward when it came to talking to people, but this was right up there.

"Hey Connor, what are you doing?" I heard a voice call from down the hallway. A tall, more rebellious looking guy with light brown hair and covered in tattoos, came waltzing down the hall. Connor offered me a hand and I stood up just before he reached us. "So I see someone's been busy while I was away". he smirked. I rolled my eyes and Connor gave him a bit of a death glare before saying " No I just um, ran into Lori now".

"Literally". I added.

"Well why don't you join Connor and I in my hotel room?" He asked me. "Oh, and I'm Evan". He stuck his arm out to shake hands. I just kind of stood there looking at his hand. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just uncomfortable with it. Connor chuckled, finding it amusing and they showed me the way to Evan's hotel room. It was right down the other end of the hall, nowhere near mine thank goodness.

When we got inside and Connor sat on the couch so I followed. Evan left the room for a bit so now was my chance to get to know Connor. "So who's that?" I asked.

"Evan, an old friend of mine. I'm sorry if he seems a bit nosey." Connor said sounding a little nervous. "So where are you from?"

"Australia, I won enough money to come here to visit". I told him. "Getting your autograph was on my to do list".

"Well then", Connor said as he pulled a sharpie out of his back pants pocket.

Inside my head I was screaming so much I almost passed out again! THE Connor Franta was going to give me an autograph! But I didn't have any paper on me? "Hold out your arm". He said while opening the pen lid. I rolled up my sleeve and gave him my wrist. He signed his name... and wrote down his number! I rolled down my sleeve and he put the pen on the coffee table.

"I'm guessing you want mine too". I asked. He nodded and I picked up the pen. I asked him to hold out his wrist but he just handed me his phone instead.

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment until captain annoying walked back in, and you'll never believe what he said next!


Thank you once again for reading! See you tomorrow! I doubt anyone is actually reading this but whatever.


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