Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Three.

Start from the beginning

"Maeve." I smiled back at her, flashing my pearly whites, before looking at her mate, waiting for him to say his name.

"It's Mike. Your the beta's daughter, aren't you?" He kept a straight face when he looked at me, as if I was some sort of villian ready to kill his mate.

"Your observant, aren't you?" I raised my eye brows, it was surprising he noticed the aura around me that pretty much screamed 'I HAVE BETA BLOOD IN ME'.

"Well, I have to make sure there's no danger," he nodded, before looking down at Lily and smiling softly.

"Are you a guard? Or related to one?" I questioned him; most guards were observant like him, and he was obviously self reserved, except to his mate and by the look at his muscles, he most likely was very strong.

"No." He answered, giving me a strange look. Guard's are normally high class werewolves, under the Alpha, then the beta. Being a guard was a lot of honour, it meant you were trusted and had enough strength to protect the Alpha and Beta from danger and were normally scent out as leaders during wars and battles.

"You'd be a good one, I'll keep that in mind." I smiled and his eyes widened, as Lily playfully smacked his chest, gushing to him about how amazing that'd be. He smiled at me, thanking me before looking down at his mate lovingly. I bolted away as fast as I could, not wanting to watch them suck each other's faces off.

As I grabbed a bottle of beer from the cooler, I felt another hand wrap around mine, stopping me from doing so.

"What do you think your doing?" Aunt Summer raised her eye brow at me. In England, I'd drink all the time. It wasn't legal, but I knew how to drink in moderation; plus I was a werewolf so I was a heavy weight drinker- it took me longer to get drunk then most.

"Getting a drink." I answered her, pulling the beer bottle away from her grasp. She towered above me, glaring down at me.

"We both know your parent's wouldn't approve of that, and your completely underage!" She demanded, using her female alpha tone at me- or should I say Luna tone? That's what a female Alpha is called, A luna.

"Aunt Summer, you were a partier when you were my age," I nodded at her, and she looked at me, shocked how I knew that, "You went clubbing and got pissed drunk before your wedding, when you were only nineteen."

She stuttered, not sure what to say, because she didn't believe I knew that.


I smirked, "I've got a great memory. I remember Uncle Zander throwing a fit because your outfit was too s!utty."

She watched me with wide eyes, and I couldn't help but let the smirk on my lips grow bigger, as I bare handed twisted off the beer cap and placed it on my lips, taking a small sip.

The alcohol burned down my throat, and I knew not to take another sip for five minutes, this way I don't get buzzed or anything.

Aunt Summer stumbled away, before grabbing onto Uncle Zander's arm and whispering something in his ear. It's nice knowing I could blackmail my Luna, just delightful.

"Whatcha drinking chicka?" Grayson popped up in front of me, "Listen, I'm sorry for what happened before. Your really hot and I guess I got distracted. Friends?"

His voice sounded uneasy and I could easily tell by the glint in his eyes he was playing me right now, lying completely so he had even more of a chance of getting into my pants. But the fact I had only made two friends and that was Lily and Mike, I took the oppurnity to make one more.

"Alright," I smiled at him, and he pulled the beer away from me, taking a long sip before handing it back to me. He winked seductively at me, before grabbing my hand and telling me, "I'm going to introduce you to my friends!"

He tugged on my arm as he led me through the adults, before I was created by the crowd of teenagers that were staring at us before. I felt a light haired brunette glaring at me, and when I looked at her, I immediately could tell we weren't going to get along. Her clothes seemed 10X too tight, and the way she was looking at me... Was just disgusting.

She could be pretty, if she didn't look like a freaking chipmunk. So for now, I'd call her chipmunk girl. She glared at me, trying to look intimidating, but I have to say, she looked really wierd.

"Alright, guys this is Maeve!" Grayson exclaimed, raising our tangled hands in the air. Everyone's stares hardened, and I knew what this looked like. Like we were dating. I was still upset about him stealing my first kiss; but I put on a fake smile as I forced my self through this.

I felt nervous at first, trying to think positive. Remember what Lance said, I tried to remind my self.

"Tell your self your the hottest thing in the world, if you believe it, you'll act like it."

 His words confused me, but they tattoed to my brain permanitly.

"Hey," A few people smiled and waved back, but a bunch of them glared. I put on a sweet, cute smile and looked up at Grayson with a flirty look as I fluttered my eyelashes. Grayson smirked down at me, obviously thinking he was going to get in my pants later on- HA, he wished.

Grayson started naming people off to me, I nodded, forgeting them as fast as they were said. I was never good with names; and I figured I'd just learn them later on.

"This is Sage," Grayson said as he pointed at the chipmunk girl, who was still glaring at me. I gave her a bitchy smirk as she did the same, before Grayson let go of my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist.

His hand was on the side of my butt, his arm snaked around my waist as he tugged me closer to him, our hips now touching.

"Guys want to go for a run?" A girl suggested, I think her name was Caroline. We all immediately agreed, and everyone bolted towards the woods, tearing off their clothes and turning wolf quickly.

Grayson stayed behind with me, waiting for me to run and turn wolf with everyone else.

"Come on," He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the woods. I stumbled backwards, was I seriously going to show my wolf to them?

Would they make fun of it again?


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