Time To Step Up - Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

That had sounded so familiar, "My mum died giving birth to me, but my dad left before I was born." I told him, "But I have an older brother, and he's probably worried sick about me, or he might be on his way with my boyfriend... I hope they're coming to get me."

The man came closer to me an crouched down to my level next to the bed, "Look at me properly."

So, I did, knowing that he isn't going to hurt me. He looked at me for a very long time.

"Stacey-Alice..." he whispered.

That name... is my middle name... my mum's name...

"That's my mam's name... my middle name..." I told him in a whisper, and I could feel tears pricking up.

"What's your name? How old are you?" he asked in a hurry.

"Olivia. Olivia Stacey-Alice Wilde..." I was proper shaking now, "I'm seventeen, I'm turning eighteen on fourteenth of February..." My hands were trembling, my bottom lip was quivering, my teeth were shattering.

"Stacey-Alive Wilde was my girlfiend's name... oh my..." He stood up, placing his hands on his face, cursing in anger and sadness.

This man's girlfriend was... my mum... Does this mean?

He turned around, tears pouring from his eyes.

"I'm your dad..."

I shook my head, he can't be, my dad left my mum before I was born. But he had just told me that was kidnapped by Jonathan. I shook my head again.

"Olivia, I'm your dad, honest, please, you've got to believe me. Olivia, please!" he cried, he then kicked a table over, snapping it's leg of, "Those sick bastards!"

"You can't be my dad! You can't be...h...he left me and Robert..."

"Robert! That's my son... Robert Anthony Wilde? How can I forget my children's names?! Of course I wouldn't forget!"

He kicked the table again, bits snapping off it.

This man can't be my dad and he says he is... He can't be... Could he?

"We're getting out of here... Kelly had kept me prisoner for almost eighteen years... I've missed almost eighteen years without my children!" the man said.

He then found my old clothes and threw them gently at me.

"Get changed, we're getting out of here. I could beat them, hopefully, they trained me to do their dirty work..." He then cringed, "They put me in here to have sex with my own daughter... They must have forgotten... No, they didn't know I had kids..." He looked at me, tears were violently pouring down his cheeks, "Get changed!"

So I did, but my hands were shaking. This strange man is accusing me as his daughter. But he was kidnapped, but my actual father left... maybe he is my dad... this could be his explanation of why he left.

When I was changed, the door unlocked as I slipped on my last shoe and Jake came in. He glared when he saw me changed into my normal clothes and not in that slutty dress. He then looked at the man and gave his a deathly glare. The man glared at him.

"You'll be killed for this, Johnson." Jake threatened.

"You kidnapped my daughter." the man said.

Jake knitted his eyebrows together, confused at what my supposed-to-be father had just said. Before Jake could say anything else, the man threw a punch at his head, knocking him down on the floor, where he clutched his head with his hands in agony.

The man grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, down the corridor, dodging all of the dirty men with prostitutes who are going into different rooms to have sex. I felt sick.

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