Chapter One

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March 20th 2015, the day humanity crumbled.

The event that me and my small group of friends used as a fun topic of discussion when we was bored at school.

We would plan where we would go and what weapons we would use.

We played a lot of video games and seemed to think it would be easy to find a ak-47 with unlimited ammo, and a under ground bunker in the small town we lived in.

When it happened it was just like in the movies, I always thought it would take months maybe years for a virus to spread to such lengths that it practically destroyed everything.

The thing about the movies that annoyed me is that they never gave a reason to why it all started, but that was the case now no one knew what happened.

Three days, that's all it took.

Day one is still clear as day to me, the TV's stopped the radios stopped, the internet still worked for a couple of days along with the electricity but there was no actual news.

But as to be expected idiots posted pictures of the things all over social media.

The world is falling apart but look who can still get 100 likes on the Instagram post? Idiots.

It was a Friday, I mean come on off all the days in the week it had to be a Friday.

I just spent a week at school getting useless information drilled in my head and i didn't even get to have a relaxing weekend.

I was at school when I saw my first undead, not just a random person. It had to be my best friend.

Chris, he came to school with a bandage of his arm.

He said some homeless man went crazy and tried to steal his phone when he was walking home from the gym and that resulted in Chris getting bit on the arm.

He was moaning all day saying he didn't feel well, I just waved it off thinking he wanted to get out of the mock science exam we had that afternoon.

But at break time everyone saw something was clearly up with him, his skin was getting paler and his temperature was rising.

So I took him to see the school nurse, I waited out side and just stared at my shoes like they were the most interesting things I'd ever seen.

But after 10 minutes of shoe staring I heard a scream, the type of scream that sends a shiver down your spine.

I instantly shot from my seat and entered the nurses office where the scream came from.

The nurse was standing over the bed where Chris lay, but her head was close to his and Chris had his arms around her back.

I actually thought they were kissing, until her body fell limp to the floor.

Revealing a huge chunk of her throat missing, and pools of blood drenching her gown.

It took me longer than it should of to take my eyes from the gruesome sight and look to Chris.

At that point he was already attempting to stand, and he didn't look at all like his former self.

His once bright green eyes were replaced with white lifeless pits.

His skin was as pale as the bed sheets he was lied on, and the missing part of the nurses neck was hanging between his jaw, drenching his shirt and tie in thick red blood.

With out stopping my self I vomited everywhere, to my dismay a lot of it got on the nurses corpse.

I didn't know what to do, it seemed like my feet were bolted to the ground.

But when I heard a groan come from the nurse and her eyes opened showing the same white lifeless pits as Chris one word starting spinning in my head. ZOMBIES!

I darted out of the room after grabbing the nurses keys from the table, I locked both of them in and sprinted to the football field my little brother was, earning strange looks from everyone I passed.

I grabbed Aiden and dragged him off the field, he probably thought i lost my mind at that point.

I lead him to the bike shed and told him to unlock his bike, he was asking none stop questions about what was going on until i said the two words. Code Blue.

Code Blue was our way of saying 'Shut the fuck up and do as I say.' 

We hardly ever used it but when we did it was only when something bad was happening.

So he shut up with a worried look on his face, jumped on his bike and followed me home.

When we got there my dads black Mercedes was still parked on the drive and the door was wide open.

I told Aiden to stay out side, he just shrugged and took out his phone. Still unaware of what was happening, I couldn't speak much on the way home.

I walked into the living room to see a sight worse than what I saw in the nurses office.

My mother, the women who raised me, the women I loved more than anyone lied on the floor in a pool of shiny red blood.

And then my father, the man who I respected more than anyone, the one who taught most of the things I know was knelt over my mother.

Devouring her stomach, he had the same eyes as the nurse and Chris. Those terrifying pits.

I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a ball and cry, I didn't know what to do, my mother was clearly past saving and my dad had the illness Chris had.

I stumbled backwards out of the room, my vision blurry from tears and started to run outside, shutting the front door behind me and locking it with my keys.

I sank to the ground, putting my head in my knees and released my emotions.

I sat there for about five minutes when it clicked, where is Aiden?

I shot up and ran to where Aiden was stood when i entered my home, but he was nowhere to be seen.

His phone was lied on the ground and his bike was gone.

My mind was going into a frenzy as I started to shout his name, but that attracted the attention of some people with the illness.

So I mounted my bike and rode away with no clear destination in mind, just one goal.

Find my brother.

A.N this is my first attempt at writing, I don't even know if anyone will read this but what the hell, if anyone does read this and has any tips or critiques please let me know, thanks :)

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