Part 1

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Title: Closer Than I Thought

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Title: Closer Than I Thought

Author: mino_depp

Genre: Fan Fiction

Summary/Description: It's about a girl that lives with her best friend because her mum is dead and she becomes friends with the styles brothers. Her entire life changed because of one of the brothers and she ends up broken. But before she gives up on everything she wants to find the reason behind the things that happened to her...



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Title: Gorilla

Author: deludedlarryshipper6

Genre: Romance

Summary/Description:  Louis Tomlinson. An artist who travels the world, looking for inspiration for his artwork. While in Cabo, Mexico, he stumble across a creature. Too thin to be an animal, but, to wild to be a human. Curiosity ruling over his common sense, he decides to help the creature; his heart has always been bigger then it needs to be. Though confused, the creature takes the help and follows Louis back to his home. Louis is gonna do everything he can to turn this creature into the human he really is. Not only because he wants to, but, because if he doesn't, the creature will be taken back to the Mexican forest from which he came. It may seem easy, but, it'll be extremely hard when the creature is practically a gorilla. Its like Tarzan and Titanic story.



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Title: The Unknown

Author: lovabletassie

Genre: Short Story

Summary/Description: Rick and Alison went on a trip to the Forbidden Forest in Edgewood to get away from the busy town. Alison planned the trip so she could spent some quality time with Rick without any interference. Little did she know, that the forest is not as friendly as she taught it would be. Everything was going smooth until midnight....



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Author: prats123

Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary/Description:   Imagine being locked in an abandoned and so-called haunted cabin in the woods, which you and your friends decided to venture just for thrill and fun.

Now, imagine yourself being lost in there. AND,when the sun starts to set down and when battery of your torch starts to die, even a slightest movement or sound like squeaking of mouse or dripping of water droplets is frightening enough to scare the living outs of you. But i think my fate seemed like i hadn't had enough or had something else planned for me...Because you in no freaking-fracking way, get locked in the cabin...ALONE... WITH A FREAKING BIG BAD WOLF. With absolutely zero phone signal and no food. And to make situation even worse i somehow managed to bind myself with the wolf like creature with a spell. FOR ETERNITY. ..... BINGO!!!Yeah, my bad luck really sucks...*Hi! i'm Avenge young, a shy, teenager tomboy who was trying to cope up with the ups and downs in her teenage life just like every normal teenager before the small trip to cabin the woods happened. Well, that trip pretty much changed my life for forever. NOW MOST OF THE TIME WHILE I'M NOT FINDING THE A METHOD TO BREAK THE SPELL, I FIGHT EVIL. ALONG WITH MANAGING MY SCORE AND LIFE IN HUMAN WORLD.Come and explore the world with me. DON'T YOU WANNA KNOW HOW THE HELL I MANAGED TO CAST A SPELL??



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Title:  When You Kiss Me

Author: sweetangelofmine

Genre: Romance

  Summary/Description:  What and if, these are the two words that aren't as taunting as it sound like but when you put them side by side, it can haunt you for life.

It all started with that kiss----- as the two are growing to know more each other day by day, both had developed in liking one another, and as the time was passing by, both had fallen head over heels with each other. How will Bella meet her destiny when she finds out that Jonathan was having unhealthy condition and has to undergo surgery? Was it worth fighting for or would she just give up for Marco's sake, her secret new lover? Was timing really about everything or was it the history of being together defined true love?

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