I was getting jealous of my sister. She caught me staring and looked me dead in the eye, smirking and blushing. I couldn't help myself, she was beautiful and when she blushed she was so cute. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

She actually thinks I'm gonna give up, she has got another thing coming. I caught a glimpse of my brother staring up at her too, but his was more of a physical attraction.

Mine was different. God I sound like a girl, I couldn't help myself to do an eye roll inside and laugh at myself.

"You got that? Tate? Tate Bailey, are you listening to me, boy?" Coach asked me.

"Um, yeah I am." Lie. 

"This is why girls aren't suppose to watch the practise." He said muttering to himself.

All the team laughed including me. One of the guys shouted out, "You mean girls who like them, shouldn't be allowed watch." More laughter rose as I looked over to see Liam, winking at the girls.

"Dude, my sister, back off." I said through my teeth. That was partly the reason but it was mostly because I wanted Zoe, who does he think he is? He is an asshole to everyone.

"Whoa. Chill dude, not going near her." He said raising his hands in surrender. "But I can't say the same about the new girl." That was it I was going to tear him apart, fists clenched at my side, but before I could throw them, Liam was on the floor. Someone was on top of him.

Mattie? Mattie had tackled Liam? Mattie screamed into Liam's face through his gritted teeth. "She doesn't go for asshole's like you bro." 

"Dude, dude," Liam said trying to get Mattie's attention. "We’re cool man." He said just as Coach's voice cut through.

"Are we done ladies? Bailey, up, we don't have time for this unless you want us to have our butt's kicked Friday."

Mattie looked violent, like he wanted to throw a fist at Liam but he didn't want to be kicked off the team, so he got up slowly, so Liam got the message, and he did he looked so scared like he was nearly peeing himself. I laughed to myself.

Coach did have a point to. "Why don't we get our heads in the game, Coach has a point. We need this. Come on, on three, one, two, three, JAGUARS." 

I see Chace from the corner of my eye and went up and patted him on the shoulder, "Well done man on making the team." I said smiling at him. He returned the same smile.

We needed this win and with Chace, we would. He is seriously talented at sport; I snuck a glance at Zoe to catch her smiling at me. I smiled at her. I jogged over to middle of the field to my team thinking I don't think she realises how beautiful she is, I wanted her more than I wanted anything before. 

* * * * *

After practise I was walking over to the bleachers, but the cheerleaders were in front of them practising. I was wiping my neck walking along side Chace, talking to him about football, when I see Zoe and Ayla walking down to us. 

My breath was caught in my throat when I see her smile, I feel like I can't breathe. When I was around her I wanted to take her in my arms and never let her go. 

She smiled at me and she hugged Chace, "Well done, I'm so proud of you." She said smiling at him. I wanted to step on him, the jealously was eating me alive.

Ayla told me I had done well in my encouragement talk. I laughed. That is just embarrassing. I was just about to answer her when a girl blocked the view of my sister.

She jumped into my arms and started forcing her tongue down my throat; I unwrapped her from me and planted her unsteadily on the floor not planning on catching her again. Little whore.

"Rebecca, go away from me." I spat. We hooked up once or twice and she thinks we are exclusive, as if, she is a slut like most of the girls in my school. She wears a skirt that wouldn't even be considered a belt.

"Sweetie, I didn't get a call last night?" She said trailing a finger down my chest, across my hips and up again. 

"That's nice, I did." I said giving Zoe a sly smile. She found this completely amusing me being harassed by a nut case.

"WHO?" She shouted at me as she pouted, God she is annoying.

"None of your business." I spat through my gritted teeth. Stupid bitch!

"Are we over?" she said near the verge of breaking down.

"Rebecca, we never even started." I laughed humourlessly, walking off. 

Me, Chace and Mattie showered as Ayla and Zoe went to the store. They went home after the store. 

We followed closely behind. We were all going to watch a movie tonight all 5 of us. Chace, Zoe, Ayla, Mattie and I.

We decide to watch Insidious since it was supposed to be awesome. Mattie, Zoe and I shared a couch while Ayla and Chace had single chairs. During half of it Zoe went upstairs to get chips out of her bedroom.


Zoe POV:

It took me like 10 minutes to find the chips.

Just as I stood up and put the chips on the bed.

I heard my bedroom door open and then close quietly.

Then I felt someone kissing me. First my jaw then my neck then my shoulder and back up to my neck, to my tender spot which made me moan.

It could only be two people Mattie or Tate?

I turned around to amazing eyes staring back at me, with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips..........


A/N: Thanks so much for reading this guy’s :)

Hope you enjoyed it.. I know the ending is annoying but what can you do.. hehe I feel evil now xD

two quick questions.....

1. Who do you think would be the perfect celebrity to play Zoe? I'm thinking maybe Dianna Agron. I don't know but let me know your opinion by commenting :)

2. Who do you think would be the perfect celebrity to play Ayla? I'm thinking maybe Anna Sophia-Rob. I don't know but let me know your opinion by commenting :)

Please comment and vote please :) Thanks so much for reading! 

- Ciaarzie xo


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