chapter one / the encounter

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"margaret, wake up! i made breakfast!" my mom yells up the stairs.

"my names not margaret, stop calling me that! its kandy! ugh, you never listen!" i shout back at her as i get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"i made your favorite, scrambled eggs and pancakes" she says, smiling as she sets the plate down in front of me.

"um... what the fuck is this? you know im vegan."

"im sorry honey.. i thought you quit? i saw that you were eating bacon yesterday."

"NO MOM, IM STILL VEGAN! ITS ON AND OFF! I CAN STILL EAT BACON AND BE A VEGAN IF ITS ONLY EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE! FUCK! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING!" i lash out as i throw the plate of dead baby birds onto the ground. it shatters, broken glass and unborn chicken babies lay on the ground around me.

"clean that up, bitch" i say as i storm back upstairs to my room,"who the fuck does she think she is? trying to make me eat a dead baby bird. whats her problem? she thinks she knows everything, ugh. why cant she just die already." i say as i search my night stand drawer for my lucky blade.

"time for my morning cut" i cant do anything in the morning before my daily cut, it keeps me going until lunch, when i have my afternoon hanging, then each night before bed i drink a glass of bleach diluted with water. i couldn't live without it.

"fuck!" i just realized, im out of bleach! good thing i caught it now, otherwise id be up all night. i get up and take some money out of the change jar on my desk. i get ready to go to the store and do my signature look, exaggerated drawn on eyebrows, thick eyeliner with black eye shadow smudged up to my eyebrow and on my lower lash line, and teased hair. i finish off the look with some black lipstick and fishnets. i put my favorite bvb shirt on, and clip in some pink hair extensions i got from the dollar store.

"perfect" i smile at my self as i look in the mirror. "im going to the store" i yell as i pass my moms room on my way to the front door. the store is only 5 blocks from my house so i decide to walk. as i walk past a bum catcalls me. an old man driving by whistles at me, and a pizza delivery boy stares at my ass. im tired of not being able to leave my house without being hit on.

as i walk through the entrance to the store, my jaw drops. the most beautiful boy i had ever seen is standing to my right. as im staring at him i notice that hes wearing one of the stores uniforms, he must be a new employee, ive never seen him here before.

"welcome to suicide 4 less, show us your cuts at checkout and you get 40% off your purchase" he says while he smiles at me. his hair was covering his left eye, but i could tell he winked at me. my heart flutters, hes perfect.

"haha" i laugh nervously at him,"for sure." i try to act cool and play off the fact that i wanna suck his dick. as i walk past him to get to the bleach aisle, i manage to look at his name tag, it read: hello, my name is: mort. what a beautiful name for such a beautiful person. i couldn't wait to get back home and tell my best friend, edna, all about this new cute boy. after i pay for my bleach, i start running home, with my arms out stretched behind me, following me as i run, i do this when im really happy. edna calls it my 'anime run'.

i throw open the front door, "im home" i shout as i run up the stairs to my room. i throw the bag of bleach onto my bed and plug in the phone cord. i dial ednas number and she picks up almost immediately.

"heyy giirrll!!" she says

"girl, you are never gonna guess what just happened to me today at the store!"

"oh no.. kandy... did you sneeze while wearing a skirt with no underwear and accidentally shart again..." she said concerned.

"no you dumb bitch," i giggle, " guess again"

"ok.. um.. did you try to shoplift a can of beans again by putting it in your pussy but it accidentally exploded?"

"for fucks sake edna, that happened ONE time TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO! are you ever going to let that go?"

"nope. just tell me what happened already!"

"ok. can you come over today? id rather tell you in person."

"yea, ill be there in 30 minutes" the next 30 minutes felt like 30 hours, i was so excited, i couldn't wait for edna to get here so i could tell her about my new crush and my plan to make him fall in love with me.

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