"There you are Zaynie! Oh my, don't you look handsome." He said and I blushed.

"Where's Papa?" I asked.

"He's just helping Harry get ready and calming him down a bit." He replied and finished tying Niall's tie. He tells Niall to go and get his bag and comes up to me.

"You watch out for them today, you hear me?" He asked.

"Yes Dad, I'll look out for them. The high school and primary school is attached at the playgrounds so I might see them at break or lunch." I said.

"Good boy." He says and ruffles my hair.

Papa enters with Harry clinging onto his side.

"How come you or Daddy don't have to wear a uniform Papa?" Niall questioned.

"Because bug, when you get to senior year you don't need a uniform, and Daddy works at the nursery so he doesn't need a uniform for that." Papa answered.

"Oh, okay." Niall said.

We all climbed into the car and drove to school, which took about five minutes. I think in future I might just walk with Calum. Dad pulls up outside of the two school buildings that are opposite each other and parks the car. We all exit the car and walk towards the large entrance of the primary school.

"Alright Hazzy and Ni, this is where you will be. Now I will be here to pick you up at 3, so you'll come out this door and I'll be waiting here for you. Then we'll get Zaynie and then finally we'll drive to Papas school to get him." Dad says.

Soon the primary school teachers are at the front entrance asking for their pupils to line up.

"Harry, you're with Miss Edwards, and Niall you're with Mrs Deyes." Papa said.

Niall gave Dad and Papa a big hug before sprinting over to join the line, taking his place beside a boy with dirty blonde hair. Harry looked at Papa pleadingly, gave him a hug and then reluctantly detached himself.

Only he never went to his teacher.

He started sobbing loudly, so loudly that Dad had to pick him up to try and soothe him while it caught the attention of Harry's supposed teacher.

"May I ask why you are sad, little man." The cheery lady walked over at looked at Harry with a bright smile on her face.

Her voice was calm and comforting, perfect for primary teaching.

"Don't w-wanna leave m-my Daddy and my P-Papa." He hiccuped.

"You'll see them again at the end of the day. And I'll tell you a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Harry nodded into Dads shoulder.

"We're going to be doing some paintings in class today, so maybe you could do one for your dads and the show them when they come to get you after school." She says.

Harry nods his head enthusiastically and jumps out of Dads arms. Miss Edwards holds her hand out for him to take and they both walk towards the building with another wave from Harry. Miss Edwards looks back and mouths an "It's fine" to Dad and Papa before the walk through the front doors.

"Right come on Zaynie, now it's your turn. Your building is right there and all of the new students are given their new timetables and an assembly to welcome them." Dad says.

"I'll be here in this building too somedays, but on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday's I'm at the college, for college classes." Papa explained.

"Okay." I said and gave them both a hug.

"I'll pick you up here at the end of school. Don't worry you'll be fine." Dad whispers in my ear.

I pull away from his embrace and spot Calum. I say the final goodbyes to my dads and then run up to Calum.

We enter the school, hoping that it will be better than the last one.


So, the boys have started school. Just in case anyone is confused I have gone with the Scottish schooling system (kinda) cos that's the only one I'm familiar with, and I'm comfortable writing about without thinking I've made a horrible mistake.

If you're confused:

Harry's in Primary 5/Grade 5/Year 6

Niall's in Primary 6/Grade 6/ Year 7

Zayn's in Secondary 3/Grade 9/ Year 10

Louis is in the last year of high school but he takes some of his classes at the college

Liam works in the nursery.

If anyone's still confused, don't be afraid to comment or send me a message.



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