Night With Fam

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(At Home)

The Boys Run upstairs

Me:(Locks The Door)

Ray:Damn its Like 11:45.

Me:Yeah Lets Go upstairs

(We Go To My Master Bedroom)

Ray;Damn !


Ray:This Room is Hella Dope !

Me;Thanks (Flops On the bed)

(Ray Takes off his Shoes and Gets On)


Ray:What The Hell They Got Ipods ?

Terrance:HE HID MY J's

(THey Run In While Pushing Each other !)


Tay:Momma Tell Him TO Give Me My Ipod

Terrance:I Will Give it to You, if Youu Will Stop hiding My J's !

Me:Omg! Just give each other stuff together at the same time !!!!!!!

Tay'Shaun:ughh (walks to his room and Terrance does the same and give each other their things back)

Mom:thank we will go out to breakfast in the morning but for right now ima make some steak and other ishh

Terrance:o.m.g moms yo steak the bomb

Mom:Thanks Baby

Tay'Shaun:Mommy can daddy come tmrw?

Mom:Mommy really..but its up to yo daddy (changes into some gray long sweats,blue tank top,and black socks)

Ray:do she get in dress in front of y'all like that all the time? (pointing at me) 


Tay:Back to my question.

Ray:yes I will come Lil dude


Terrance:oooo you bouts to get in some trouble Nigga

Tay:uh-oh ...come on (they broke out downstairs)

Me:their gonna get it

Ray:wait u hit them.

Me:not that hard ray.I mean they didn't have a father in their I didn't have a man here.what was I supposed do let them get away with everything.NO

Ray:okay. ill go check on go cook dinner.


Ray:wait wait..(pulls me back by my waist) don't be like that.I know how u feel bad.just relax.(kisses me) I Love You

Me:I love you too (walks downstairs and Ray follow)


Ray:boys take a seat on the couch

(The boys sit down)

Ray:okay.this is a little father and son meeting.

Terrance:am I in trouble?...I mean daddy come on im around Tay. he's a bad influence.

Tay:(pushes him)

Ray:okay you two need to stop this cussing. like really for your age you shouldn't even know what those words are

Tay:come on dad.We hang with mom of course were gonna know.

Ray:seriously you need to things are really gonna get ugly.Kay guys?

Ter&ray:yes go play before dinner

Ter&Tay:iight ! (Goes to the Game Room)

Sorry So Short. And Sorry For Updating ...I bet This Story is like sooo Boring Now ..But Hey I Dont Care..But i Got Laptop Back Yesterday night .. !!! So Juiced But ima Start Making Chappies For My Loves..Long Ones Too ..But this Is It For Now ! Sorry :( -PrettyMarie

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2012 ⏰

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