Chapter 30

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Net Morning i did my Daily routine and got dressed

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Then i Went downstairs to where everyone else was.

Me:Aw you guys leaving me?

Merc:Yup.We have to go to school

Ray:You'll be with me!



Jessica:It's Only 8 hours

Me;that's Too long

Diggy:You have school too...

Twist:She Do?

Princeton:Yeah She has Online school and Ray.


Prodigy: we have a test tmrw, So Study!!

me:Ugh...I should be studing right now.have fun at school

Them:Okay bye ! They Left

Me:First Let me eat breakfast Starts fixing up some Bacon and waffles.

Then ray come behind you.

Ray:Can you make me some too baby


Ray:Yay! I love you

Me:ohhh i bet you do :)



After Breakfast.

Me:I ate a little bit too much.Tay'Shaun Kicking like crazy!

Ray:Did you not see all that Syrup on them Damn Waffles.



Me:UGH! I need to be in Labor right now!

Ray:No the Hell you Don't !..I'm alone.



Me:No seriously.When i take off My pads i see Pinks Spots ..

Ray:TMI!!!!!!! Ewwwww........

Me:Ray you should get used to that.


Me:No for real i think thats a sign of the baby coming!

Ray:Maybe We should Skip this Convo, Skip online School and get a Tree For the House !

Me:No I want to wait for the others.but we can finish our studying

Ray:Fine !

we study for a couple of hours...Then Stopped !

Me:I Wonder if it hurt when you breast feed...

Ray:Let's Check? Winks

Me:Ew.No you Freak.


Me:No Tay'Shaun Get's to taste first !

Ray:Then Can i?


They All bust into the Door

Them:We're HOME!!!!!!!

Twisted Love Story *Diggy,Twist,MB,Jacob,Etc*Where stories live. Discover now