Chapter 7

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We go to the food court and see everyone got their food and just chillin'

Me:Hey Guys.


Me:Diggy what you want?


Me:kay I'll be back

I left



Legacy:Are you two dating

Diggy:not yet.

Jessica:What you mean yet?

Diggy:I bought her a braclet and i said I love you to her she said it later on today i'm ask her to be my girl.

Merc:aww how sweet


Then i came back with the food

Me:here you go hands food to diggy

Diggy:Thanks Winks at me

Me:giggles Welcome

Twist:singing Making love faces !! ....

Diggy:Shut up.


Jessica:Aye Can we stay the night



after that we went home

Me:i'm gonna go lay down


I went upstairs took another shower and put on : Baby blue Tank top,Gray Sweats,baby blue Socks,Hair:All Down

Then i layed down,Then diggy came in layed next to me



Diggy:You had fun today.

Me:yeah.I did

Diggy:Good.I have a question


Diggy:Do you Hate me?

Me:looking into his eyes No i don't i never did.I mean now your wonderful,but before it felt like you hated me.....Diggy i don't hate you.

Diggy:Wanna know the truth?


Diggy:I Like you.The first time we met i was falling for you..That's why i was mean,i didn't want to show you how i felt for you ,but i don't want to do that anymore.I love you and i want you to love me and i want to have that speical place in you heart.

Me:I do love you Diggy.I Would love to have you have my Heart

Diggy:Kiss you Passionatiely then pulls away 3 mins later I love you Haliey

Me:Love you to Diggy

We hug then Lay down and fell asleep in each other arms.

Thursday morning 9:00a.m(Act like it was Thrusday)

I woke up, and Seeing Diggy still sleep.So i woke him up.

Me:Diggy wake up

Diggy:.five more minutes

Twisted Love Story *Diggy,Twist,MB,Jacob,Etc*Where stories live. Discover now