Chapter 1

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I was Getting boxes from out of the car when Daniel or should I Say "Diggy" Walked over to me.

Diggy:Aww You Couldn't stay away Could you?

Me:Rolls Eyes Go Away.Nobody said i acutally wanted to know you.

Diggy:Oh Well. You know Me.So tell me the truth are you stalking me?

Me:Fake Smiles Yes I'm Stalking you.NOT.Go away.Walks away with a box He Likes me.Yeah Right!

Mom:Okay.Well That's Everything.

Me:That Was just my Stuff

Mom:Yeah.I Already unpacked.Walking towards the front door

Me:Where you going?

Mom:I Have to get your dad in L.A

Me:I can't stay here by myself!

Mom:i Know.Your going to Justine Home

Me:As in SIMMONS????

Mom:Yup.Now Go pack some clothes because you not gonna be in and out my house.

Me:Ughh... run to your room and grab the suite case that wasn't unpacked.Then ran downstairs outside

Mom:Okay i Go to go.I Already Spoke To justine about it Yesterday so she already know why you coming over.Okay.kiss your cheek.Bye Hunny.Gets in the car and drives off

Me:Bye.You walked to Diggy House and knocked on their door and Russel opened along with Jo-jo on the side of him.Heyyy

Them:Heyy.So your staying with us.

Me:Yup.looks kind of mad

Jo-Jo:Are you Okay?

Me:Your Brother here?


Me:Then, I'm Good

They Let you in the house then you go to their room

Jo:Moms Not here so you can chill in here if you want


He Left.Then you took a quick shower and lay down on a random bed in the room

Jo:Walks in and climb into his bed

10mins later


Me:Jumps up No the question is what are you doing in our room referring to you and jo-jo

Diggy:Your In MY room in MY bed.Missy.I Suggest you get up unless you wanna Stay there Smirks


Diggy:Your Such a Girl

Me:So are you Smiles and get in the bed with jo-jo Hey Scooch

Jo-Jo:No Daniel Were not four anymore

Me:It's Haliey.Now move over

Jo-Jo:Scoots over then goes back to sleep

Me:Goes to bed

Diggy:Goes to bed

Twisted Love Story *Diggy,Twist,MB,Jacob,Etc*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat