Unexpected Arrivals & Unwelcome welcomes

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"That'd be a sight to see and it'd be unbelievably funny" Davion said quietly for me to hear but not for everyone around us to hear as we were walking around the office following this preppy old teacher.

"Shut up Carter before I rip off your balls and feed them to the squirrels" I said aggressively and with a straight face trying not to laugh at my own joke, My mother hated my aggressive, sarcastic, mean jokes, she would always tell me to be more proper,more human whatever that means.

"Could you two stop bickering and get in my office before I quit from what I can't possibly forget from what you just said" Ms. Avery said disgustedly, oh crap, I guess I zoned out and forgot there were teachers around me.

I walked through Ms. Avery's door and sat in her leather violet fancy chairs and as well did Davion but on the right side of me, I looked around and it was hippy themed, all kinds of different symbols I didn't understand but when I looked to my right I was a guy in a suit, a dark blue suit, black straight tye and black fancy dress shoes. Both of his hands rested on his lap but elbows on both of the arm rests, what is going on? What is this preppy golden old guy doing here? Somebody better explain like right now!!!

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Davion said confused, okay if my mom isn't here than I shouldn't be here, what the hell is going on?

"I have something that I had to tell you that couldn't wait till you got home or you would have a surprise you wouldn't understand" Mr. Carter said as softly as possible, why the fuck is he so calm? Usually when parents are this way they have something seriously bad that happened and know that their kids are going to freak out so the parents need to be strong. But the question still remains to be unanswered, what am I doing here if this is about Davion?

"But what does that have to do with me?" I asked with a edgy tone, my parents were never this calm, always yelling and freaking out,so that's how I am now a days. I looked at Ms. Avery and she tensed up and walked over to her desk to kneel down and sit in her spiny chair, I always loved those chairs when I was younger, I still do. Haha. Ms. Avery straightened her body, she was like a pencil, it creeped me out, she looked down at her clothing and straightened it all out, she even flattened her hair out. She must have like OCD or something because she is freakishly organized, her clothing is completely straight, her rug, even her pencils on her desk were straight and pointy, her pencils could easily kill someone in a heartbeat.

"Listen Jayla, we have got some bad news for you, it has come to our attention that you and your mother live a life where you have only beer in your fridge, and you only have a mattress at home. Unfortunately your mother got into some big trouble, when she went to work she stole 10,000 grand and she was caught and she was taken to jail yesterday morning. Your mother will be in jail for more than ten years and you won't be staying in the house you will be staying at, I'm so sorry Ms. Benson" Ms. Avery said with a sympathetic look on her face, to tell you the truth I'm glad she's in jail as sad as that is, she was always gone but when she did come home at night she would get drunk and when I got home she would hit me, a lot, she would scar me with cutting knives.

One night she got so drunk that she made me into her own throwing machine, she would have me stand against the wall ad she grabbed her knives and threw them at me. I hate my mom, I cried and cried, I have so many scars and infections. I won't be visiting my mother, she doesn't even deserve the title for mother, the news didn't even faze me at all I just smiled. They all probably think I'm some bitch who doesn't care about their mother or what happens to her but they can think that if they want, whatever.

"Sweet, so where am I going to stay?" I asked in a calm tone, just knowing the fact that I don't ever have to go back to that is such a relief that it made me way happier.

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