Gate Crasher

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  • Dedicata a Brony, for loving it every time I read it to her

Ok, Hi I'm Samjayne, this is my first story, it's not very long but i hope you enjoy it. I'm only very new to Wattpad so I don't have any other stories yet but I will have soon. Please fan or whatever, it's up to you.


Sam xx


Gate Crasher

Each large, round table seated exactly eight guests. There was a tall, crystal, champagne glass for each place, as well as the finest china plates partnered with a silver knife, fork and spoon. Mike wasn’t fussed about what flower arrangement to place in the centre, so Lucy had picked bright pink freesias, perfect for a December wedding in Melbourne. Lucy turned her head, looking up to Mike, a feeling of warmth and safety spread over her.

“It’s going to be perfect Mike.” He put his arm around her waist and smiled, happy to be marrying the most beautiful bride on Earth.

“You know what?” Mike replied with confidence, “I think you might be right.” 

Summer Gardens had particularly large, white roses that Mabel admired very much. They had a much nicer scent than any nursing home would ever have. The smell of old curtains and dead skin was not appealing. Mabel stopped smelling the flowers hanging over the fence and lazily strolled up to the large, wrought iron arch. She peered into the Gardens, then turned her head. Across the street from where she was standing, the mother of a young boy was pulling at his arm and warning him to settle down and come along, stop trying to run off and be a good boy. 

He wants to see inside the toy shops. Mabel thought to herself. 

The poor boy is just looking for an adventure, something more interesting than grocery shopping with his mother. 

She shook her head and turned back to the Garden entrance. Mabel understood the feeling. 

They had been to the church and gotten married, and now one hundred guests were coming back to Mike and Lucy’s wedding reception to celebrate. Summer Gardens was known for being a perfect spot to host such events, and Mike was a sucker for a good party out in the sun.

“Isn’t she beautiful!”

“Wasn’t that romantic!”

“How sweet they are together!” Guests buzzed with excitement for the bride and groom. There was a particular older lady who was sitting at one of the emptier tables, she must have just arrived, and didn’t have a drink or any food yet. Mike decided it was rude of him to ignore her and went up to introduce himself. He assumed that she was from Lucy’s side of the family, Lucy was talking to one of her second cousins about the wedding dress.

“Hello, I’m Mike, but you probably know, I’m Lucy’s new husband” Mike spoke politely, and – he happened to noticed – slightly louder than usual, perhaps to accommodate any hearing difficulties older people always seemed to have. She didn’t reply.

“I’m sorry, there’s a lot of people here, many from Lucy’s family that I haven’t yet had the privilege of meeting,” he encouraged, still waiting for some kind of response from the Lady. Who was she? She looked at him and then suddenly spoke.

“Oh yes! Well, I’m Lin...I mean Lucy’s Great Aunt Mabel, she never mentioned me?”

Mike felt his face turn slightly red, but Lucy called him over from another table and he turned to leave, glad that he no longer had to talk to Lucy’s strange Great Aunt

*    *    *

She promised herself that this time she would behave. Although this was still an adventure, she might as well not cause so much trouble as last time. Mabel poured lemonade into the tall champagne glass and took a sip, then she got up and decided to go for a walk, taking her glass with her. Mabel had not yet met the bride, so she went off looking for her. Lucy was found near the gazebo, discussing things with a member of the small orchestra she had hired to perform.

Mabel placed her glass down and stuck out her hand, “Hi, I’m Mabel, Mike’s Great Aunt.” She waited for a reaction.

“Oh. Mike never mentioned he had an aunt,” Mabel could hear the embarrassment in Lucy’s voice and decided to play on it.

“Really? Wow, I’m amazed at that boy. I practically raised him, what with baby sitting and all…..”

“I’m very sorry Mrs…”

“Mabel’s fine”

“Mabel, I’m sure his mind must have just been caught up with the wedding”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Mabel gave a fake smile to Lucy, enjoying herself a terrible amount.

The best man gave his speech, as did the parents, and now Mike had a plan to make it up to Lucy’s Great Aunt. He felt bad about their first meeting.

“Lady’s, gentlemen,” he tapped his glass, “I think now it would be nice if Lucy’s fabulous Great Aunt Mabel could give a speech.”

Mabel’s eyes grew in shock, Mike was staring at her, and now so were some of the guests. This had never happened before, how had she messed it up? Just as she thought about running away– and then remembering you couldn’t get very far when you’re 93– the car from the nursing home pulled up outside the gates. Two men got out and calmly walked over to speak to the groom, before coming over to get Mabel. One of the men, a slightly taller one, said a few last apologies to the bride.

“Very sorry ma’am, she does this all the time. Looking for something to do outside of the nursing home, I guess. Hope she hasn’t caused too much of a hassle.”

Lucy just stared at the man. Too much of a hassle? It was ridiculous! Not at all how she had planned her wedding reception to be. At least there would be something to talk about in years to come.

Lillywater Gardens had particularly large, pink roses that Mabel admired very much, having a much nicer scent than any nursing home could ever have… 

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