"I want to know what's going on, but you keep avoiding it." He pushes his way through the door and pulls me to him. "I'm gonna tell you Mrs. Impatient, it's just yesterday I was exhausted, worried and it was late." He pecks my lips, "Get ready and eat breakfast, so you can come to this meeting with me."

                                                           Dominick's P.O.V.

I left the bathroom feeling frustrated, I don't want all of this on her plate. I want to hold all of her struggles and worries, just so she can smile all the time. Yet, She wants to be involved and know all that is going on.. Its just she has been through enough already, I want to protect her from everything impure in this evil world because she's my angel. I Love her and I'm excited for the upcoming Luna party and our wedding... I just can't wait for our future together, she's the only thing I've ever looked forward to.

"I'm Ready.. How is this?"

I look up to see Yvonne in a long black tank top dress that complements every curve she has.. "Beautiful as always." She pecks my lips, "Lets go!"

I grab my mates small hand into mine as I will do for the rest of my life. "Stay by me. I don't like other men being able to see you in tight sexy attire.. it urkes me."

I nod following a giggle, "I'm serious Yvonne.." he smirks.

                                                Yvonne's P.O.V.

"Unless you choose to disobey and get a punishment?" I watch as he's biting his bottom lip and looking me up and down.

"Meeting! Meeting!!"we are interrupted by Ashton's childish chanting through the hall.

Dominick and I turn around to see Ashton with his hands in the air, "DAMNNNN Mamacita! I much say I love that dress on you.. Don't you agree Dominick?"

I'm tugged to Dominick's side, "Ashton.. You better stop making comments like that toward my mate and this pack's Luna! Know you place in my pack, Big Brother!"

"Lets go in." He grabs my hand and puts it into his, fitting perfectly.

Everyone is sitting patiently and Ashton is pacing in the corner of the room..

"About Damn time!" The room is silent yet all eyes are rapidly looking around at one another.

"Ashton, Your behavior is inappropriate and until you can act mature enough to be in this damn room. I'm asking you to leave my presence and don't let me see you at all today or I'll kill you." I try not to look up at Ashton or Dominick, for I already can predict their facial expressions.

I hear the door slam, "Alright now let's get this meeting started."

"Who was patrolling the day Your Luna was attacked by the The Bright Moon Stone Pack?! I want names now!"

I see one of the pack member raise his hand, "We had to switch some shifts because of the punishment you gave Becka. I will hand you the list of all the pack members on patrol duty that day sir!"

"I want it ASAP!" Dominick yelled, slamming his heavy hands on the table in front of us.

" Next topic, training for war. I want to attack  The Bright Moon Stone Pack as soon as we are ready! I want Alpha Jack Dead! Do you all Understand??! I want our people training all day and all night!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Now for some good new.. The Luna party is to be planned and soon after the wedding.. Esther?"

"Yes?" Esther stand up with a notebook and pen in her hands.

"Find the best party planners, wedding planners, bakery, wedding dress designers, everything! I want a report on it as soon as possible I want your Luna to have the wedding she always dreamed for, so when you find them send them to me."

"Yes, Sir. What about the rings?"

I watch as Dominick looks at me and smiles, "Leave that to me."

"Yes Sir."

"Alright that's all for today's meeting. You're all dismissed."

As everyone is clearing out the room, Ashton shoves his way through the crowd.

"SInce you kicked me out, tell me when the fuck are we attacking?"

Dominick totally ignores Ashton and walks toward the door. "Yvonne, Come with me."

" I'm talking to you!"

Dominick grabs my wrist and continues to walk out. I feel my other wrist being tugged, Dominick turns around to see whats stopping me from moving.


"She's not going anywhere until you acknowledge me!"

Dominick lets go of my wrist, slowly walks over to Ashton and punches him across the face.

Ashton fell to the ground with blood all gushing out of his nose.

"Nice onee..." Ashton laughs.

I'm dragged out of the room, looking back at Ashton sitting on the floor and holding his nose.


We end up in our bedroom, " I cancelled everything today because I want me and you to spend time together.. and right now I really need you."

I wrap my arms around him, " Are you okay?"

He shakes his head,"I hate that I wasn't there for you when all those horrible things were happening and still even now I can't protect you from everything.. On top of that my brother and I.. we just I don't know."

He sits on the bed with his face in his hands.

I remove his hands from his face and straddle his lap. He grabs the side of my face and pulls it toward his. I feel his soft lips touch mine softly and his hands grip my sides.

He becomes more and more rough and passionate with his kisses. His big hands grip my sides and lift me up. Setting me down softly on the bed his lips never left mine.. My hair is thrown to the side and his hot breathe is on my neck. His lips kiss my neck then his tongue glides up and down the side of my neck all the way up to my earlobe. My wolf was getting impatient for our mate to mark us.. I was ready. Dominick stops and pulls away..

"Dominick What's wrong?" I sit up with my arms crossed, like what the fuck was that!?

I'm pushed back onto the bed, I see Dominick's eyes pitch black staring at me.


He kisses the top of my feet and slowly makes his way up my leg. He stops at my pantie line and grips the sides of them.

**Ripping Sound**

"Dominick!!" I scream at the sound of my panties being ripped.

His lips begin to repeatedly kiss my inner thigh then His tongue starts to make circles on my inner thigh, "Beg."

He's teasing me.. This ASSHOLE!

"Stop teasing me! Especially after you ripped my favorite panties!! Please Dominick.." I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the second..

I look up to see a smirk forming on his face as he looks at how wet I am between my legs..

"You can do better than that.. NOW BEG!"

                                                            TO BE CONTINUED...!!!


                                                           Author's Note

ALRIGHT>>!!!!! That was exciting .... no?! Again I apologizes for slow updates, but hey I'm trying! I hope you all enjoyed this little part because was it hecka different for me? YES IT WAS!! I was like nooo!! My innocence! JKJK BTW blame Tatiana  shes the one who wanted to make you all suffer at the end. I was totally against it from the start..

Anyways, Please Comment, Vote, Follow and continue to read!! Love you guys!!!

<3 Destiny & Tatiana

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz