•Chapter 9•

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Day after M&G....

Jackie POV

I woke up feeling ecstatic. Last night was amazing, I don't remember the last time he put it down like that. But if he continues ain't no way I'm giving up that bomb dick.

Laying in my bed, I noticed that Jacob wasn't next to me. I guess he decided to leave early. So I got up and was about to make up the bed. But then I saw a flash of light coming from the night stand. Once I reached over there I realized that it was Jacob's phone. Picking it up he had a ton of notifications. Some were emails and majority were messages.

I'm not meaning to be nosey but I ended up opening up his messages. Seeing that there was a lot of girls names in his phone I got curious. So I went through them...cousin, cousin, friend, grandma. But the one contact that I didn't know was Myami😏🍑❤.

Oh hell nah! This was that chick from yesterday. So what happened between them to make her think he wanted to get in her pants?

I began to get worried. Like Jacob's famous, he could have any girl he wants. And worst of all they have tour coming up and I know there's girls out who  look better than I do. And judging by the emojis by this Myami girls name...she probably one of them.

My insecurities seem to be taking control of me right now. I don't know what to do, should I cry or be angry. None of which will help the situation but I feel like I shouldn't be stronger than that. Cause after all who's pussy was he in last night?

Getting up going to my closet, I grabbed a pair of jogging pants with a matching jacket. Just as I was about to leave my room I heard the front door close. I don't even waste any time tip toeing my way over to my bathroom grabbing my scissors.

Present Day...

Shay POV

Its been 3 hours since Myami ran off. I don't know whether or not to say she got abducted. Because she's done this before only never for this long without letting me know shes alright.

Everyone else is basically panicking because they don't know her like I do. "Guys, calm down ...I know your worried but let's not loose our hair" I was directing that last part at Princeton. He was pacing back and fourth with his hands in his hair for he last 30 minutes. At first it was understandable, he was just worried that's all. But then he started talking to himself, pulling at his hair...well that is until his ring got caught in his hair.

I came up with a plan "if my phone doesn't ring in the next 10 minutes, I'll call the police" "What! Are you serious? This girl is your bestfriend and your gonna risk her life, for all we know these 10 minutes could be her last and you wanna waste it?!" Everyone looked over to a very red and angry Princeton. "Bro...why do you care so much? I mean I care too but your just over the top" said Mike. "Man I not waiting for you guys...I'll look for her all by myself if I have to" and with that he walked away.

Jacob POV

I feel so disappointed with myself. Its like I led her on and when she needed me most. I was laid up with a girl I only use for sex. I don't know how or why I care about Myami so much. But its like I'm meant to.

I got into my jeep and sped off. At the moment I don't care if I get pulled over. I'm finding her and I won't stop until I do. Maybe I could trace her phone. So I pulled my phone out and began calling her. It might've been a total coincidence that when I was driving down a road. I saw a phone laying by a tree. And it was ringing, so I pulled off to the side and waited until all cars went past. I then sprinted over to the other side of the road. Upon arrival I picked up the phone and instantly knew it was Myami's. Time to get out the big guns, I called up my private investigator.

???:"Heyyy Bestfriend!"

Me:" Hey Shari, right now I really need the inner nerd part of you" I said desperately.

Shari:"Oh, it's one if those phone calls... Wassup Jacob?" She said becoming serious.

Me:"I need you to help me find my gir--- my friend" oh my goodness, I almost called her my girlfriend.

Shari:"Last known location?"

Me:" Grand meridian, off of the freeway"

Shari:"Found her! She--pauses hold on Jacob I'll be back"

Shari walks over to the front door of her apartment...

Shari Pov

What the hell? Nobody ever comes to visit. I wonder who it's is.

Me:" Hold on Jacob I'll be back" So I got up and walked to my door. I was still very sceptical if I should open or not,  so I looked through the peep hole. Only to see absolutely nothing.

Right then and there I looked over to the bookshelf that was by the door as grabbed my CCW  from behind and book. Tucked in under my shirt and looked through the peep hole one more time.

No one was there anymore. So me being dumb I opened the door and instantly regretted it.
Jacob Pov

Man wtf  is Shari doing? I have a life to save and all she probably doing is looking through her damn refrigerator. I was about to hang up when I heard the sounds of Shari screaming "get out", and things being broken and or thrown. I might as well become Superman...seeing that I am speeding down this interstate to Shari's house.

When I pulled up, I ran to the 5th floor and to her apartment. Since I am her best friend I have a key to her place so I unlocked and opened the door.

Looking around the place it's seems as if I could've been hearing things... And that nothing really happened here. Well that is until I found a big piece of glass on the dining room floor.  While walking towards it  I saw a note sitting on the computer stand.


The note read...
If you want to know what it said...make sure to tell your friends about my book. I need more reads, votes and comments. Sincerely~Shawna 💘




          ( The note read...)

In order to find Shari you mustn't
fear,  For you shall go to the place you shed your last tear...

Sincerely Anonymous 

Lmao now I'm done. Sorry for the wait you guys I've been busy as I'm sure you've been too, so just bare with me and we'll work this out. And excuse any errors that I didn't catch.

BUT! Ik  y'all got questions like...

What happened to Jackie?¿

Why does Prince/Jacob care so much?¿

Who is Shari, and what exactly does she do?¿

And last but not least

Where did Shari and Myami go?¿

I love yall,  stay uniquely mindless 😉❤~Shawna

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