•Chapter 3•

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Prince pov
About an hour went by and it was time for our 1 hour break so I just laid back in the chair and relaxed. I was almost sleep until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Mike staring back at me.

Me: "What?" I asked with a tone of annoyance.

Mike: "Well let's put this plan into action shall we?"

I nodded and began to get up. Then he started looking around for a girl. When all of a sudden his face lit up like a Christmas tree. He motioned for me,Ej, and Jaay to huddle beside him.


Mike: " Prince I know who you can "get" he said adding in air quotes on get and started smirking.

Me: "Who?"

Mike: "Lil Miss Myami"

Me: " She's not easy from what I saw earlier but she won't be hard either" I said with confidence.

Jaay: "Bro!...Looks can be deceiving"

Ej: "I hate to admit it but camera man here is right" he said shrugging his shoulders.

Me: "I got this" I said in a George Lopez voice.

Then they looked at me like I was crazy and began to turn to leave but not before saying...

Them:"Don't be stupid"

Me: "Whatever I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom"

And with that I walked off. I was about to go in the bathroom but I heard feet moving behind it. So me being nosey I walked back there and saw....Myami. And she was dancing to Mikes song"Amazing". I can tell you this her moves were better than our choreographers and back up dancers put together. I guess I was staring pretty hard cause she turned around and just stood there with her arms folded. I was still in a trance from watching her dance. I know that sounds creepy but it's true.

Myami pov
So I was dancing to Mikes song when all of a sudden I could feel someone staring. Like there was someone else in the room. So I turned around to see the one and only...Princeton. He was just standing there staring at me with amazement in his eyes. Why is he looking at me like that??? So i just stood there with my arms crossed tryna figure out when he gone stop looking at me. At about 12 seconds I realized he wasn't gonna say anything so I said something.

Me:"Hey!" I yelled

I guess u might've scared him bc he ended up knocking over a pitcher of water when he jumped. It did spill all over him and me!Even thought I wanted to laugh at him I couldn't excuse the fact that he was spying on me. So I continued to mean mug him.

Prince:"Sorry my bad" he said while laughing at me. Like little boy...This isn't funny!!😒

He grabbed a nearby cloth and started walking towards me and began dabbing my boobs. Oh hecky nah!! He done pushed me too far!

Me:"WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!" I yelled at him.

All he did was wrap his arms around my waist, I tried to push he away but that seemed to only make his grip stronger. He just picked me up and put me on the counter. He leaned in a whispered in my ear.

Prince:" Relax Mami" He said in a seductive voice and began running his hands up and down my thigh.

I'm not even bouta hold y'all up, that sent chills down my spine cause it's been a while. But who said he can just touch me when he wanted? And what's with the sudden change in him??

Then he slid his hand up my shirt, although it turned me on it also made me mad ASF!! Like he can't just touch me when he wants. Suddenly I smacked him and moved back. Right when I was about to storm out and leave I realized that I was soaked in the water prince spilled. I turned to him and he had his hand on his cheek with a shocked face. All I wanted was to scream at him. But I also wanted to apologize for putting my hands on him. In the middle of deciding whether to say sorry or yell at him he spoke up.

Prince:"My bad I kinda got carried away"

Me:"Well I can't work like this and you can't be seen like this so come here" I directed him to a chair and made him sit down. I then started braiding his hair then handed him a hat that I left in my dance bag. And I just so happened to have a fake mustache 😂.

Prince:"Why do I-----"

Me" Ask questions later" I say waiting for him to get ready.

Don't get me wrong I'm still pissed but I have to help him cause he can't just go out there soaked in water. I might be a little mean but my job is important.

Prince pov
We walked out the back and looked left me right making sure no one saw us.

Me:"Where are w---"

Myami:"Where's your bus?"

Me:"Look little girl... Your going to stop cutting me off" I said with a smirk on my face. But then I remembered what happened earlier. And I quickly directed her head to a big bus parked behind a large building that looked like an abandoned dance studio.

Myami:"Let's just go" she said with and attitute and with that we sped across the street without anyone seeing us.

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