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It was now the end of the school day and Jimin threw his things in his bookbag, before walking out the school building.

It was nippy outside and he had no sweater, so he blew air into his hands, the air cool against his skin.

He sighed at the fact that his breath was cool, leaving him with no warmth.

"Jiminie, wait for me," he heard Taehyung's voice in the distance, and he instantly quickened his pace, but the other eventually caught up to him.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked annoyed, looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung laughed at him before grabbing his hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jimin asked, trying to pull his hands away.

You're so cute. You must be cold, your nose and your cheeks are so red," Taehyung said, smiling as he held one of Jimin's hands with both of his.

"Your hands are small and cute," Taehyung thought out loud as he blew into his hands that also held Jimin's.

Jimin's cheek grew a deeper shade of red as he cleared his throat.

"I think your hands are just big," Jimin said, as Taehyung took his other hand, repeating the process.

"Alot of people say my hands are big. I have long fingers too. I mean we can test them out," Taehyung, said wiggling his fingers.

Jimin's eyes widened as he plucked Taehyung's forehead.

"Ow," Taehyung said looking at the other who just shook his head.

"It's not my fault you're disgusting," Jimin said rolling his eyes, before walking ahead.

"Wait up," Taehyung ran towards the other and slipped his hand into Jimin's.

"What the he-, " Jimin began, but was cut off by Taehyung's voice.

"Your hands were cold, so I can help you warm them up," Taehyung said casually.

Taehyung put their hands in his hoodie pocket, causing the small smile that decorated his face to grow bigger.

Jimin decided to just keep quiet as they walked down the block.

"Let's go out to eat," Taehyung said, earning a look from Jimin.

"Um no," Jimin declined but Taehyung didn't care, as he was already pulling the other down the street to the nearest café.
this was short :((

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