Chapter 13

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Amara POV

Tears started to fall from my eyes. My mom was alive and here. I didn't know whether to hug her or punch her. Jackson

used his thumb to wipe my tears away. "Your ALIVE?!?! All this time I've been tortured from my father because he

thought I killed you and I thought you had a heart attack and died. I almost died because of it!" I cried silently. I traced

my scars. "I got these only to know you are alive ." I buried my face in Jackson's shoulder. Pain shot through me and I

was paralyzed again. My dad gave one of his crew members the paralyzing thing. I was full body paralyzed.

(M=mom J= Jackson A= Amara)

M: Amara!

J: Someone keeps making her paralyzed

A: Make it stop!!!

J:Is it over?

I was able to move my body again. I went back to yelling at my mom. "I cried myself to sleep every night until I met

Jackson. I've gone through pain and suffering. I've almost died like 12 times. Wait no 12000000 times. Why would you

do this to me?" I nurse came into the room and took the needle out and left. I needed to get away from my mom. I

walked into the bathroom. I sat on the counter and looked in the mirror. My mom was the cause of this. I couldn't move

my legs. I could move my arms so I got off the counter but collapsed on the floor. I crawled back to the bedroom. I've

never been so mad. My mom was alive. When I got back to the room I tried to pretend that I wasn't paralyzed. I

balanced my body weight on the wall I finally got back to the bed. My legs started to shake and I pulled the blanket over

them. I listened to my mom and Jackson's conversation.

(M= Mom J= Jackson A= Amara)

M: I don't care if she dies she's not even my real daughter

J: what when are you planning to tell her that?!

M: when my project is over

J: project?!

M: yes I'm seeing if being possessed by a witch and your mother dies and your abusive father thinks you killed her lives

longer than being possessed by a witch and your father dies and your abusive mother thinks you killed him
J: you are a horrible person

M: don't think that I don't know about your bet you made with your friends


I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went into the bathroom. I unbuttoned my shirt and made the longest cut that I've

ever had. Jackson walked in while I finished cutting it. "Amara why are you doing this?!" "Why does it matter to you I'm

just a bet" a tear rolled down my cheek when I said these words.

(J= Jackson A=Amara)

A: I don't know why I thought I had a chance of happiness

J: Amara please listen

A: you know the worst part about this Jackson?! I've never been in love before until I met you and I actually believed

you when you said you loved me

J: at first it was a bet but when I saw you jump out of your window it wasn't a bet anymore so I called off the bet

My heart started to slow and I started panting. No one loved me. I felt as if I was alone. I woke up in Jackson's arms.

This was my longest chapter

If it wasn't for himOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant