Chapter 3

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Amara's POV

  I finally got out of the box and went to the music room. I never went to class but Jackson collected my homework

telling the teachers that I was sick and couldn't be around the students. I sang half a song and started to cry thinking

how could my life go from perfect to horrible in a second. I got a text from my dad.

(A Amara D Amara's Dad)

D: Amara you little boyfriend told on me now I'm after you GOOD LUCK

I panicked my dad's crew members were going to try to find me. I would be put in a foster home or an orphanage. I

cringed. I saw a tear roll down my cheek and a finger brushed it away. It was Jackson. I leaned into his chest and didn't

say anything but by touching him I felt a spark of electricity. All I could say was "they are coming for me I-I-I'm going to

be an orphan or a foster child. No one can protect me now." I thought for a second. "I've got to run away or have some

sort of family protecting me" I buried my face in his shirt. "Amara you can live with me now" he said calmly. I gave him

a sad smile. "Ok I'll come live with you until my dad's crew finds me and takes me away or kills me, or I find some

relatives." Jackson seemed satisfied with that and he walked me to his house. It was bigger on the inside than the

outside. "Jackson talked to his mom and a stood straight as my dad taught me to. If my posture was bad he would grab a

whip and slash me until I bled. After he did that to me several times I finally never had bad posture. Jackson finished

talking to his mom. "Amara we are going to go get your belongings from your house." I stared and him sadly. The only

thing I had other that my uniform that I was wearing was a tank top and Nike shorts to sleep in. It took me 2 minutes to

grab my stuff from my house. Jackson looked at me shocked. "That's all?" He questioned still stunned. I nodded. I

wasn't allowed to have belongings. We got back to his house and I thought I would be sleeping in a small room. I slept in

a huge room with purple everything I was shocked. When I was living with my dad I didn't even get a bed. I got my own

bathroom and closet. I walked back to where Jackson and his mother were. "Mrs. Black you house is amazing." I mused.

"Amara what would you like to eat" she asked after we talked for awhile . "Ummm I don't eat everyday I only eat one

meal every other day" I said nervously. "Wow she will be easy to take care of " she whispered to Jackson. I left quietly to

my room and put on my tank top and Nike shorts.

Thx for Reading


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