Chapter 4

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Amara POV

I heard an alarm clock go off and I woke up. It was different waking up from an alarm clock than waking up from

cussing and blood and screaming. I cringed at the thought of my old life. For my one meal of the day I chose dinner.

Me and Jackson walked into the school. When Jackson left three girls walked up to me. Brianna blond hair blue eyes

and can be a pain, Mary Red hair green eyes sweetest out of the group, and Michele brown hair blue eyes QUEEN BEE.

Great there is one in every school. Michele walked up to me "you stay away from Jackson you Fat ugly girl"

After she said that she turned around and left. The other girls followed. I was furious so I walked into the gym that had

dummies set up. I kicked the dummies and knocked them down letting out my anger. I would get revenge on Michele

for calling me that, but to make sure she can't call me anything I didn't eat for weeks. Jackson kept looking at me

knowing that I hadn't eaten in weeks. Michele kept getting worse so I decided that I would get revenge on her in the

same way she threatened me. Michele shoved me and I pretended to fall and my scars started to bleed making her look

bad in front of the school. Jackson looked worried about my scars breaking open. I was used to it. All of a sudden

everyone stopped moving and looked tariffed and backed away from me. Then two pairs of hands grabbed me and

blindfolded me. I woke up in a cell. With two men. One of them Kevin and the other James. James left the room and

Kevin stayed. Kevin and James have done this to me several times. I traced my scars. "Welcome back to torture time

Amara" Kevin said happily. He pulled out a knife and a whip. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. I turned my back

to him and closed my eyes. He cut a deep wound with the knife and slashed me several times. He put my shirt back on

me because he paralyzed me. I could feel the pain but couldn't move. When Kevin left James came in and kissed my

forehead sadly. Tears fell out of my eyes. James used to be my boyfriend but got a job working for my dad and had to

break up with me. James left food for me and a note. I curled up on the floor and fell asleep. The paralysis wore off and I

could move.

I woke up to someone cutting my neck. I knew eventually I would die from loss of blood but this time I won't escape

before I die. I kept shaking and tears rolled down my face. I felt ice water on me and I was paralyzed once more. I've

never been so useless. I cried for hours and hours alone with blood pouring onto the floor.

Dramatic am I right?

Hehe anyway


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