Chapter 10

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Amara POV

I couldn't move my legs I could only move my arms. I tried to move my legs but they started to shake. Jackson rolled

over and woke up. I bit my lip. I was in so much pain from being paralyzed. My hair fell in front of my face. I tucked it

behind my ear. I was only paralyzed from the waist down. Jackson picked me up and took me to the living room. I

looked into his eyes. He looked worried and sad. He sat me on the couch. After an hour I was only paralyzed from the

knee down. It took at least 5 hours before I was no longer paralyzed at all. I tried to walk but had trouble with my

balance. I started to fall but Jackson caught me.

Jackson POV

Amara was having trouble with her legs and couldn't move them correctly. I was worried that she wouldn't get better. I

picked her up and she didn't say anything. She was probably thinking the same think as me. I brought her to the

hospital. This was the third time in 1 year. They took her into surgery and gave her the same gas as when she told me

that she liked me. "Jackson come here" she whispered like last time. "I love you so much but you are very stupid for

staying with me." She whispered this to me and lightly and sweetly kissed me. She cupped my face in her hands "if you

new my secret you would be running from me right now." Tears fell from her eyes "if I told you I would go to jail or even

worse. I'm not normal, that's why my dad tried to kill me only him and his crew know my secret. I love you to much to

let you know because I don't want to lose you." She fell asleep.


Amara POV

I woke up from my surgery. I knew the look in his eyes and I knew what I told him. "No I'm not going to tell you


(J= Jackson A= Amara)

J: Please

A: you would hate me if I did

J: nothing in the world could make me hate you

A: what I am will

J: Amara please

A: ok but you can't tell a soul and you are going to think I'm crazy.

J: go ahead

A: I've never told anyone before

J: what about your father and his crew?

A: well they watched what happened

J: will you tell me now please

A: ok I am....


If it wasn't for himDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora