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All that I used to hate
Worried 'bout every trait
I tried but it's way too late
All the signs I don't read
Two sides of me can't agree
When I breathe in too deep
Going with what I always longed for

|2 months later|

" So this is my first pregnancy and I'm very nervous to give birth, is it a good or bad idea to watch a birthing video? I've heard it's a bad idea cause it scares you but I want to know what's going on." I said.

" I think it depends on the video. I have seen beautiful births that make me feel empowered and excited for birth. I've seen some that are frightening. I would stay away from any that have been shown on TV because they are typically dramatized to the extreme. If you don't agree with anything else with The Business of Being Born, the birth scenes are pretty fantastic, as well as the birth stories." Marie said.

" I think it really depends on you and your personality. I'm the type of person who wants to watch when I get a shot or blood drawn so I know when it's coming. I would definitely recommend it." Mom said.

"Oh and make sure you force Colby to watch it with you." Marie said.

"Okay." I said.

● ●

"How many videos are we going to watch?" Colby asked.

"The first three were normal. I want to see the dramatic and crazy side to giving birth." I said putting in the fourth video.

"Oh my God." Colby asked as the lady giving birth husband has passed out.

"What did you learn from this?" I asked.

"To stay hydrated." He replied.

"1. Hire a Doula!
2. Prepare! Practice the techniques you are going to use.
3. Watch and read about natural births
4. Have a birth plan
5. If you are delivering in a hosptial don't show up to soon. It was really nice being able to show up and just have a baby. I didn't even have to get an IV put in
6. Remember you and you baby are doing this together
6. Know YOU can do it and your body can do amazing things!!!! MOMs rock!" The lady in the video said before ending the video.

"That was crazy." He said.

"I have push out twins with the size of your head." I said dramatically.

"Your head not small either." He said.

"No more sex after this." I said.

"That what they all says." He said.

"They all who say?" I asked.

"Women after they give birth." He replied.

"But I'm serious." I said.

"You're not upset that I haven't proposed to you?" He asked.

"Oh God no, we're not ready well more like I'm not ready and plus I would be mad that you proposed because I'm pregnant with our babies. It would mean that you feel forced and I want it to come naturally." I replied.

"And that's why I love you." He said.

"I love me too." I said smiling.

"Really?" He asked.

"Oh. I love you too." I said.

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