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"So who do you know besides Colby " Jon asked.

"My best friend Antonia Becker." I said.

"That's Galina 's sister." Joe said.

"Really?  What a small world." I said.

"So what you guys planning to do? " Colby said sitting besides me.

"Let's go to Denny's " Jon says.

"Why? " Joe asked.

"I'm hungry " Jon said.

"To Denny's " I yelled running out the hotel room.

I got a text from my friend destiny telling me she in the lobby waiting for me. I rushed out of my hotel room to go get my sassy bestie.

"Destiny! " I said behind the dark skin girl.

"What's new Sis ? " she asked turning around.

" My butt is getting bigger. I don't have any man problems. My hair is growing. Life is great." I said.

"Okay what does your butt have to do with life? " She asked.

"It has everything to do with life but I can't believe you're here. " I said.

Destiny McCray is the younger sister of Trinity Fatu who is known as Naomi Knight wwe diva

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Destiny McCray is the younger sister of Trinity Fatu who is known as Naomi Knight wwe diva. Destiny and Trinity haven't spoken to each other in almost two years when Trinity caused her to broke up with her ex.

"Are you coming to raw? " I asked.

"I'm only going for you plus the hot guys " she said.

"Like who? " I said.

"The single ones like Dolph " she said.

"You keeping track " I said giggling.

"Hell yeah I can't be fighting over claimed men " she said.

"So you are you going to talk to your sister? " I asked.

"Nope I'm petty. I don't care, she should've mind her business. " she said rolling her eyes.

"Well damn you know you hurt " I said.

" I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart. I'll get over it." She said.

" Honestly the best feeling is realizing you are not sad/hurt anymore over something you thought you would never get over." I said.

"Let's go get lunch " she said.

"Okay let me tell Colby where we going first " I said.

"Is the dick that good? " she said laughing.

"Excuse me " I said.

"I mean since when do you need to tell Mr.I couldn't decide if I wanted to be blonde so I just dye half of my hair where you going ?" She says.

"Since I'm staying in his hotel room and plus his my best friend "I said.

"Does it look like I care, no. Let's go." She said pulling me out of the hotel.

We were backstage being a mess. When Brie went into Brie mode and said we should do a twerk session. So here we are twerking against the wall and anywhere we could.

"I don't know how to twerk " Paige said.

"Paige come on I'm finna teach you how to twerk boo" I said.

"Oh no " paige said.

" Get into a squat position. You don’t want to be too low to the ground, but low enough so that you are grounded and easily balanced. Consider keeping your knees behind your toes to avoid knee injury. Stand with your legs wide apart, lower to the ground, with your feet turned out. This will help you maintain your balance once you start moving. " I said.

"She is dead serious about teaching you " natalya said.

"Y'all better be doing this too. Pop your booty outward. Get into the stance where it looks like you are about to sit into a chair-- think "chair pose" in yoga -- your booty should be the main attraction. Make sure to keep your knees bent and to place your hands on your hips" I said.

"Lets to this girls" Brie said.

" Shake your booty back and forth. If you choose to keep your hands on your hips while you twerk, then you should press your thumbs into your butt bones to help push your hips go forward if you're moving forward; to move your booty back, use your other fingers to pull back on your hip bones to help your booty move backward. " I said.

"I'm doing it " nikki yelled.

"Shake that ass, nikki " I said shaking my ass to the song.

"Keep shaking that ass " Trinity yelled laughing.

"Y'all think I would've been a good stripper " I asked.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING !?!" a voice said causing the girls to run.

I turned around and see Colby  standing there pissed off. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

"Hey Colby " I said.

"Dont hey Colby me, what the fuck was you doing? You shouldnt be shaking your ass for nobody " he said throwing me over his shoulder.

" calm down I was just showing the girls how to dance" I said.

" stay your ass in my locker room and dont come out until I have to leave" he said.

" I'm not staying in here so move " I said trying to push Colby but epic fail.

" were you trying to push me?  " he said laughing.

"Why you laughing? Tonight you sleeping on the couch " I said.

"Baby you can't still one night without me by your side " he said trying to pick me up.

"Not true " I said pouting.

"Whatever you say " he said.

"I hate you " I yelled running out his locker room towards catering.

I hear him laughing behind me. He's running after me but stops when he notice people staring at him like he is crazy.

I stop and look at him. "Colbert are you coming " I yelled at him. He looked down and back up before saying "I'm gonna get you " and starts running.

I make it to catering and hide under a table. I see colbert walks in and looks around until Dean comes in and pushes Colby and tells me to run. I bust out laughing and run out of catering.

I run to the divas locker room because I know Colby can't come in here. "She's alive "

"Not funny " I said.

"Girl did you see his face " Trinity said.

"Yeah he look like he was about to murder you " Brie said.

"Thanks for ditching me " I said.

"I told you Colby likes you " Nikki said.

"He does not" I said.

"He does " Paige said.

I rolled my eyes and walk out because I know he doesn't like me. Why can't everybody understand that.

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