“Don’t say the Lord’s name in vain and watch your tongue!” she stepped away from me as if I was a plague “The devils in him now”

“He doesn’t have the devil in him!” my dad said bitterly

“He does Sam! They’re walking hand in hand”

“HOW DARE YOU!” my dad bellowed

“HOW DARE YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME SAM!!” she countered “AND THOU SHALL NOT LIE WITH MAN AS ONE LIETH WITH WOMAN; IT IS AN ABOMINATION! LEVITICUS 18” I felt my cheeks heat up, this was so embarrassing I looked at Erick from underneath my lashes, he was staring at me intently, he looked upset and angry at the same time, my thoughts were confirmed when he started rubbing his temples

She then dug into her bag looking for something furiously, I looked at my dad but he shrugged his shoulders, no one knew what she was looking for “I bet you enjoyed it” she muttered angrily as she continued digging through her bag

[Erick’s POV]

“I bet you enjoyed it” she muttered angrily.

“What?” he whispered crying. This was becoming too much to handle, I breathed slowly trying to control myself

“Come on!” she hissed “You didn’t tell me, I just knew there was something off, you just weren’t yourself, that’s why you’ve been acting so weird, I tell you all the neighbours are gonna suss it out the minute they take one look at you.” She narrowed her eyes at him wrinkling her nose “Or smell you” she sighed “My son a victim of rape” she grimaced at her own words 

She took a seat still digging through her bag “I just don’t know what to do with you son” she sighed looking at him “Lord knows I can’t put you in a boarding school, you’ll just start a riot of gangbangs wont you?”

I sighed heavily, this was disgusting. His face was red I didn’t blame him I would be embarrassed too “I thought sending to you to an expensive school like Richmond would help but no you get expelled for-“

“MOM!” he cried, his gaze landed on me before going back to his mom

“Oh Erick doesn’t know about that little scandal does he, he should tell you Erick”

I could never look at his mom the same “Honor thy mother and thy father Max” she looked at his son like he was less than shit on someone’s shoe “And what do you do, you let a man to stick his penis inside of you, did you even put up a fight?”

“Vicky” his dad breathed angrily “It’s enough”

“It’s not enough Sam” she said coolly “Losing his virginity to some girl was the first straw, this is just crossing the line” she turned her icy gaze back at Max “Flee fornication.  Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.1 Corinthians 6:18-20 & 1 Corinthians 7:1-2”

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