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Bella's POV
I am so excited! Like you have no idea! I woke up and put on my travel outfit since we are leaving right after school today, since today was only a half day.
"Morning Sophie!" I smile as I see her.
"Morning Bells have you seen Pepper?" Sophie asks as she looks around.
"No I haven't sorry." Right then Pepper walks in smiling her little heart out as she strutted up to them.
"Morning! Are you guys excited, I'm so excited! Did you know that there are several activities we can do while there? Like kayaking, canoeing, hiking, swimming, bonfires, toasting food, barbecuing..."
"Pepper breathe!" I yelled as i intertwined the three of our arms.
"I know it's just so exciting." She smiled as they walked to home room.
*time skip because I'm lazy*
It was last period, in this class Troy sat right behind me. I felt a tap on my shoulder as he brought his lips so close to my ear I could feel ten move against my ear.
"1 more minute." He whispered as I got goosebumps. I bit my lip and nodded my head slightly.
"50 seconds." I Replied 10 seconds later dipping her head back slightly. He lightly played with the tips of my hair, Not understanding the effect he had on me. He lightly knotted the edges attempting a braid. His hands were gentle and soft trying as hard as he could not to hurt me. Oh god why did he have to have this effect on me. 30 seconds.
"I think I finally got this whole braid thing down." He whispered. I remember when I made all the football boys help braid.
"Good." I chuckled lightly. The goosebumps and feeling of warmth never leaving. 10 seconds. 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!
"Yes!" I yelled as the bell rung. I grabbed Troys hand and ran out of the music room.
"I can't wait!" I screamed.
"Me too! I can't believe we will be gone for an entire month! 32 days!" He yelled tightening his grip. They ran to the Spanish room where Sophie and Newt stood waiting. Then all four ran to the agriculture room to grab Sawyer and Pepper. As they rounded the corner they saw the two smiling like idiots waiting for them.
"Come on you guys! Let's go!" I yelled as we all ran to Troys car.
"Shotgun!" Sawyer called.
"Screw you!" I yelled and laughed.
"Oh come on Bella, you know you aren't my type." He laughed as I punched him. The boys loaded up our bags and we were finally ready to go. I sat in the middle row with Pepper and Newt and Sophie sat in the back.
"Ready to go?" TROY asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"Well I'm going to sleep so if any one wakes me up, I will rip your arms off and make you eat them. Kapeesh!"
"Kapeesh!" Everyone yelled back. She put on her headphones and began to drift off.
"Damn what's her problem." Troy sighed.
"Oh shut up!" I yelled as i closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to see Sawyer driving and Pepper in the passengers seat.
"Where are we?" I ask sleepily.
"Only another 2 hours away." Pepper replies popping a chip in her mouth.
"Okay well then I'm going back to sleep." I reply with a yawn. I kick my feet up in Troy who is also sleeping. Aw he looks so cute. Stop that. I slumped down and looked outside only 2 more hours! I'm so excited.
"Everyone wake up we are here!" Pepper yelled as she clapped her hands together.
"Already." I rubbed my eyes. Troy had already gotten out and grabbed my bag. He put his hand in the car to help me out and I followed tiredly. Everyone grabbed their suitcases and we began walking.
"Troy will you carry me please." I aka tiredly as I put my hands out.
"Come on Bella you can walk." He laughs.
"But I'm tired. Please!" I ask one more time batting my eyelashes.
"Fine." I jump up on his back as he carries me with ease. We finally reach the inside of the hotel. The gang decided me and Troy should go get our room while they wait.
"Hello how may I help you today?" The petite woman from behind the counter said quickly.
"Umm we are from the Dixon party." Troy said and I could feel the vibration.
"Oh couples weekend. I totally get it although my boyfriend never wants to go anywhere. How about I give you a little discount for young love you know." She chuckles.
"We actually..." Troy starts
"Can't think of how to repay you. That's just so generous! This is actually our first trip. He's a little crabby it took a lot to get him here." I whisper the last part already off his back missing the warmth.
"Don't I get it. Well here is your alls keys. You are on the top floor. Penthouse. You will go straight up the elevator and slide the card to open the door. Have fun!" She smiled as we walked off. I grabbed Troys hand and began to walk back to our friends.
"What was that?!" Troy whisper yells in my ear. Yet we were still in eyeshot of the cashier and I knew she was watching. So I untangled our hands and rubbed one of my hands up his arm and to his shoulder. I stood on my tip toes and whispered In his ear.
"That is how you get a discount." I say as I slip back down and continue on my way. We all get in the elevator and head up to the top level. And Troy was standing just a little closer than normal but I definitely didn't mind. Te believable door finally opened to a single dark oak door. I pulled the key out of my bag and slid it down the keypad. We all walked in the giant pent house.
"Goat!" Sawyer yelled.

Hey everyone it's Lori! I can't believe I actually wrote this first part! I really hope you enjoy it. Just comment your opinions and vote please.

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