Amusment park

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After watching lots and lots of movies I fell asleep on the couch

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After watching lots and lots of movies I fell asleep on the couch. After a few minutes I felt someone pick me up, and carry me all the way back to my room. The person carefully laid me on the bed and pulled the covers over my cool body.
"Goodnight Bella." His soft words spoke.
"Goodnight Troy." I whispered.
The next morning was just the same as the first someone was in my room and shuffling through my stuff.
"Troy I swear to god!" I yelled as I sat up. I looked around and all movement stopped. There was no one there again. I sighed. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I showered and used the bathroom. I put my comfy pajamas on and walked back towards my room. The t.v was turned on. Why is my t.v turned on. I never turned it on did I? No.
"Troy this isn't funny!" I called to my empty room. Jut then a small knock on my door caused a gasp to escape my throat.
"Hey hey Bella you okay?" Troy asked.
"You scared me!" I yelled as I hit his arm. He walked over to the couch and flopped back.
"What are we gonna do today?" Troy asked picking up another magazine.
"There is an amusement park a few minutes away we could go there." I suggested looking through my clothes.
"Works for me. I'll go tell Sawyer and get ready." Troy stood up and walked out of my room. I began to walk down the stairs. As I reached the bottom I almost fell causing a small gasp to escape. I looked around thinking someone had pushed me. I continued down the stairs and in to the girls room.
"Okay ladies! Wake up! We are leaving in 2 hours and if you aren't ready you aren't coming! Let's go go go!" I yelled. The girl shot up and scrambled out of their bed.
"What's happening?" Newt says rubbing his eyes.
"Go get ready sergeant!" I yelled at him. He laughed and then walked back in to his room. I walked back upstairs to my room and changed into a long sleeve crop top that said homies, high waisted shorts, and black vans. I blow dried my hair and put on a little make up before walking down the stairs to meet up with everyone.
I walked downstairs and only Troy was sitting.
"You excited?" I ask as I step over the couch and lay over him.
"Yeah! I love roller coasters!" He says sounding excited.
"Good because I thought you would cry like a baby!" I say laughing.
"I'll give you something to laugh about." He said tickling my exposed stomach. I was laughing so hard and I fell off the couch. Troy followed me and continued.
"Troy please! Troy stop!" I said laughing my head off.
"What's going on in here?" Newt chuckled nervously.
"Nothing!" Troy and I yelled as we stood up. Sawyer came bouncing down the stairs and pepper rounded the corner at the same time causing them both to tumble down.
"Oh gee! Pepper I am truly sorry!" Sawyer's southern accent drops from his tongue.
"No no it's fine Sawyer really." Pepper says rambling. Sawyer stands up and sticks his hand out for Pepper as well.
"Thanks Sawyer."
"You're mighty welcome pepper." He responds with a small blush.
"Ok ladies and gents let's get this show on the road!" Sophie yells as she walks out of her room.
"Alrighty let's go!" Troy yelled as we walked to the elevator.
We finally got to the amusement park. It was 12 and none of us had eaten yet. As soon as we walked in we went straight for the food.
"Okay let's go ride some roller coasters!" Sophie said rubbing her hands together as she smiled.
"Umm.... I don't know." Newt said shaking.
"Come on newt be a man." Troy said putting his hand on Newts shoulder.
"I'm not a man I'm a boy." Newt swallowed heavily.
"Barely." Sawyer laughed.
"Come on boys." I say happily pulling them both by their collar into the line. We laughed and played never have I ever.
"Okay never have I ever... Kissed anyone." Newt said. Everyone put their fingers down except him.
"Okay Newt that's sad." Troy said as he leaned against the wall in the line. We all nodded and he blushed.
"But I won!" He replied happily. I rolled my eyes.
"That is still sad." Sophie said as she shoved him.
"Aww Sophie I think it's sweet!" Pepper said as she put her hands together. Sophie rolled her eyes.
"He's just waiting for the one." Sawyer replied.
"Pathetic." Sophie said.
"That hurts me, right in the feels." Newt laughed as he looked fake wounded. She shoved him lightly.
"I think we should get in the first car line." I suggested. Each car had three rows with two seats in each.
"Okay rules of calling.3...2...1... Go!" Sawyer said.
"I call Sophie!" Newt yelled.
"Darn it!" Sophie said.
"I got Bella." Troy said to me. I smiled at him and shoved him lightly.
"Alright I'm with Sawyer." Pepper said.
"Okay each car will come up with their own picture pose and we will compare them in the picture and it has to be a 4 to 2 vote to win." I said.
"Right this way." A bored looking teenager said as he moved us to our seats. Troy and I got in the very front, pepper and Sawyer in the second row and Newt and Sophie in the back.
"I was thinking heart, for the picture." I suggested smiling.
"Yeah that's good."
"Is everybody ready!" A guy who is probably supposed to sound cheerful said. Everyone screamed loudly and a count down started.
"3...2...1!" It screamed as we shot off. We did three loops and as we were going up the big hill right before the drop I put my half of the heart up and Troy did the same.
"Whoooooo!" Troy screamed as we went down the hill. After two minutes we made it to the landing.
"Let's go see the picture!" Pepper screamed as we started running. We got to the photo booth and looked for our picture. Behind us Sawyer and Pepper were doing bunny ears on us and Sophie and Newt were doing scared faces.
"Who was the girl who was screaming the whole time?" I asked as I handed the woman my money for the photo.
"That would be Newt." Sophie said laughing. We all joined in though. After that we rode a whole bunch of other rides and by 9 headed back to the hotel. When we opened the door it sounded like someone was walking around upstairs.
"Do you hear that?" Troy whispered.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Get behind me." Troy said as he started slowly shuffling forward.
"Hello? Is someone there?" Troy yelled as we started up the stairs. The noise stopped as we reached the top. Troy flipped on the lights but no one was there. We checked every room, and no one was there. I walked in to my room with Troy. He sat on my bed with me and looked a little concerned.
"Okay, that was weird right?" I asked as I got under the covers.
"I've been hearing some weird things you know." I said to him.
"Yeah I know, but it's not like it was a ghost right? Ghosts aren't real, right?" Troy said running his head.
"Yeah, there is no such thing." I replied.
"You can stay in here tonight if you want." I said as I looked at him. He nodded and got under the covers. I turned off the light and laid beside him.
"Night Bella." He whispered softly.
"Night Troy."


Hey guys I have created a new schedule. I will be posting every Monday hopefully if not I will definitely post that week.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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