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"Same rules apply right?" I ask as I get in my stance

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"Same rules apply right?" I ask as I get in my stance.
"Yeah!" Everyone screams as we get ready.
"3,2,1! Go!" We screamed. I took off running straight for the stairs. Troy right on my tail. I began opening doors on the right side of the hall. Bathroom, laundry room, entertainment room, bedroom, another wait bedroom! I ran in to an awesome one person bedroom.
"CALLED IT!" I scream as I flip back on the bed.
"DAMNIT!" I hear Troy scream as he runs downstairs.
"CALLED IT!" A faint sound of Newt yelling makes me laugh. I see Troy trudge past my room. I slip out of my room and watch as he walks to the door at the end of the hall. Then Sawyer follows in to that room.
"Hey roomie!" I hear him say.
"Shut up." I hear the reply. I close my door and begin to unpack. I finally take In my room. It was purple with a low sitting bed, it had a desk on the left of the bed, a small walk in closet in the corner, a tv on the right, and a few couches surrounding it. It was really nice.

After about 2 hours of unpacking and goofing off I decides to check everyone else's rooms. I walk down the hall and knock on Sawyer and troys room.
"Well hello there Bella." Sawyer speaks in his strong accent.
"How you doing Sawyer? Can I see the room?" I ask as he steps aside for me to see.
"Well Troy finished unpacking like a pig during feeding time." He chuckled.
"Okay then. I like your room." I say with a smile as I walk around.
"Not as cool as Newt's but it'll do."
"Yeah I'll see you later Sawyer I'm gonna go check it out." I wave as I walk down the stairs and turn right down a corridor which I assume has the bedrooms.

I walk down until I reach the room where I hear Pepper and Sophie singing.
"I really really really really really really like you! And I want you do you want me do you want me too!" They sing
"Oh did I say to much I'm so in my head!" I scream as I open the door. Sophie laughs and then turns down the music.
"You know I hate you right?" Sophie asks laughing.
"Why because I got a solo bedroom?" I ask sarcastically.
"Duh!" Pepper says flipping back on her bed.
"You all need to come see my room later, it's pretty cool." I say laughing.
"Oh shut up!" Sophie yells as she chucks a pillow at me.
"Anywho I'm gonna go see Newt's room I'll see you later."
"Bye!" They yelled as I exited. I tip toed down the hall until I reached Newt's room.
"Hey newt!" I yell loudly as I walk in.
"AHHHHHH!" His girly scream erupts.
"Ha!" I yelled dying laughing as I fell on the floor laughing.
"Hey who said that?" He said laughing nervously.
"Looks like we were the only ones to get a solo room. So how did you do it?" I ask knowing he has to have a way.
"Spit it out."
"Well, I hacked in to the hotel to see which room we were getting. And then i looked up where the room would be. So I knew this was where it was." He said sheepishly.
"Way to go Newt!" I say as I throw my hand up for a high five. He high fives me and then goes back to disinfecting everything.
"Alright I'm gonna go see what we want for dinner I'll talk to you later." I waved at him as I walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

There was Troy, bending over two pots on the stove. I tip toed behind him and stood behind him waiting for him to turn around. But he didn't, he stood there tasting the sauce then tsk when he didn't think it tasted right. Finally I came up with a plan. He lifted up the spoon with some sauce and I jumped forward and Licked it off the spoon.
"Needs some garlic salt." I say as I grab the spice and put some in. He stood there frozen. Then I took the spoon and stirred.
"I um thought you were unpacking?" He replies nervously.
"I was but I finished and I was hungry."
"For some Troy?" He asked looking cocky.
"No. For food. Although I wouldn't mind a taste." I say with a smirk. His smirk falters for a moment before returning.
"Of course you do." He smiles. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him close to my body.
"The thing is Troy I know you want me." I smiled. This had became our game. And let's just say neither had cracked yet.
"Maybe I do Bella. Now help me cook." He smiled. I let him go and laughed.

We made the noodles and finished the sauce. We threw it all together and voila pasta. I honestly kinda wish it would be like this all the time. Troy and I in the kitchen together cooking, the faint sounds of Sophie and newt arguing, Sawyer and pepper flirting but never admitting it. But most of all Troy and I this close laughing and enjoying each other's presence.
"DINNERS READY!" I scream as loud as I could.
"Hallelujah!" All of them came tumbling in to the kitchen for food. We sat at the dining table and I sat beside Troy. Occasionally taking a bite of his toast when he wasn't looking and then denying it was me, after dinner I went upstairs.

I laid down and fell asleep. And let's just say Troy was the only thing swirling my dreams as I slept. Half way through the night I woke up and stared at the ceiling. I looked out the window and saw a shooting star.
"I wish that one day my bed won't feel empty because someone will always be laying beside me." I whispered hoping that that person would be Troy.

How do you like Bella and Troys little game? Who do you think will break first? Also who do you think will get together first? I love leaving you all guessing.

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