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Tanashi pov

I opened my eyes to see my mom and dad surrounding me.

"Wh... What's going on?" I asked

"Haru? Are you ok?" My mom asked with watered eyes

"Stop! I don't need your sympathy. Why are you here?" I asked not looking there way

" We heard you passed out during your game. We're your parents of course we'll be here" my dad said

My mom and dad they're  nothing but fake. When I was 14 they kicked me out of the house. They abandoned me telling me I do nothing but cause trouble. That's what made me act all nice to everyone.  I never wanted anyone to say Those words to me. I had no place to go but then my Grandparents Let me stay with them till I got on my feet. When I became a basketball player I brought the house I live in now. I let my grandparents live with me. I haven't seen my parents in three years til now.

"Haru please stop.... You're to...

"Please you have no right to tell me what to do with my life. If you were ever worried about me you wouldn't left me. You knew all my life that I was-"



"Are you ok? I was so worried" Taka screamed in my face

"Haha I'm ok. I'm fine" I replied.

"What happened out there?" She asked

I turned my head looking the opposite direction.

"Hi I'm his mother and this is his farther you must be his girlfriend" my parents told Taka.

"What it's not like that!"I shouted

I looked at Taka who was giggle. Her smile made me feel much Better for some reason.


"So where's Ken?" I asked her

She looked down.

"So, he likes you huh?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Huh umm what .... Yea" she replied

"So he doesn't want you too come see me huh.... You should leave Taka " I replied

"What! I'm not leaving because he's being a jerk. I can visit who ever I want too" she replied

"Hahaha you don't get it. Ken really liked you back in middle school. You were all he talked about. I can't take that away so go to Ken" I said with a small smile

"No... I don't want too. I don't remember anything that happened between me and Ken. I.. I -"

" Hey Taka we're friends right?" I asked

"Huh yea of course" she replied.

"And friends are nothing more then just friends right?" I asked again

"What are you-

"Friends don't fall in love with each other right?"

"Well not all the time but it's possible-

" I think we should stop being friends" I said with my head bent over.

"Wait why?" She asked me

I didn't say a word as my parents left the room and it was just the two of us.

"What are you talking about?" She asked me over and over again

"I'm gonna hurt you really bad if we continue to be friends."

" I don't understand Haru what are yo-"

"Why can't you just listen to him" a voice said

"Emily?" Taka asked

"What are you doing just leave already" Emily told Taka as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand what's going on?" Taka said

"I Dont care about you and I wish for you to leave" I said as my heart squeezed from every word that was coming out my mouth.

"Haru?" Taka said I could hear her trying to hold back the fact she wants to cry.

I took and deep breath as I hid my face from her and Emily.

"I don't like you. Come on a guy like me would never like a boring girl like you. I would never want to be friends with you. Don't you see I used you. So get the hell out of here! I shouted

I could see tears escape from Taka's eyes as they hit the sheets of the bed. I looked up to see Taka, the girl who had always wore a smile or didn't care about others crying. I felt nothing but pain in my heart as she left and slammed the door.

"Emily I made a girl-"

"It's ok Haru I'm here-

"No I... I was really starting to like her. I didn't want to hurt her. I should have never got so close to her" I said as I felt nothing but pain throughout my body

"She will never be able to under stand you. I will always be by your side Haru because I LOVE YOU" Emily told me.

I stood motionless as my time on earth was ending and the people around me were leaving. (What should I do? I..... I fell for Moe Taka)

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