I can't just be with you

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The next day we had school but I was in no mood for wanting too go.

"Sis,sis come on wake up you're gonna be late for school.

"Stop I don't wanna go I'm  so sleepy" I said pouting.

"Sweetie are you feeling well you're never late for school? My mom asked

(Maybe she knows about him . . )

" Umm mom at school I met a boy named Ken he told me I was his you know I was his girlfriend-"

"What Ken you mean the boy from middle school?"

( what I...I really am Ken girlfriend?)

Why? What feelings should I feel I don't know I don't understand but then why am I crying ....why .......why.

"Taka are you ok! " my mom yelled

"Don't.. why didn't you tell me I had someone special to me why can't I remember !" I yelled a let all my angry out on my mom

"I'm sorry I'm going to school" I said as as I got out of bed.

My heart my mind it's all to much pressure all to much.

"Hey Taka yesterday you-"

"I'm sorry Ken im you're long lost lover but I don't remember I don't remember a single thing about you or us" I said looking at Ken.

He looked at me with a blushed look.

" It's ok Moe because I'll make you mines again." He said with a sad smile.

"What you'll what?"

He looked at me and pulled me closer with a firm grip.

I still and always will only love my Moe Taka" he whispered in my ear.

My heart it felt nothing but pain and sorrow from those words.

"Yo Moe are you feeling better?"

I turned to see Tanashi. Ken let go of his arms around me and I felt the pain in my heart turn cold.

"Hey Tanashi I'm fine thanks for yesterday" I said what a flushed look.

" Good because I will no longer be talking to you anymore idiot" he said with calm smile

" what?"

"Have you forgotten we hate each other remember and you piss me off all the time" he said as he patted my head.

What's happening to me I'm changing I'm...

"Yea I hate you with all my heart with your annoying cocky ass" I said with a soft voice and a blushed face.

I could see as Tanashi turned around he had a smile on his face. That's right I hate people I hate them all. I'm hated at school by everyone. I have no time to be getting all emotional.

When I walked in the school it snapped me back to reality. I would hear people whispering bad things about me. I would see Emily and her friends gaze at me. I would see Ken and Tanashi with the basketball team surround by friends. Through it all I was alone I've​ always been alone and I'm ok with that after all, Having people in my live isn't good it hurts it brings an unpleasant feelings. I do wounded though  how was my relationship with him?

(I wonder if I felt the feelings of love from Ken and do I still want to?)

School ended and I was going home when I saw-


"Mom what are you doing here?" I asked with a surprised look on my face.

The school mumbled bad things about my mom as I could hear ever word.

" ahhh.. lets me get in the car so we can leave" I told my mom with an annoyed voice

"I'm sorry Ms Moe I've​ lied to  you this whole time"

"What are you talking about mom come on?" I asked

"Dammit don't call me mom I'm not you're fucking. The truth is I've​ always wanted you to discover it that I'm not your mom and you're not my daughter I have nothing I want with you. I no longer have to pretend that I love you but before I sent you away I must tell you about what truly happen to you in the past Ms"

"I wanted to run I wanted to run but my body didn't move. I'm......Im lost in a time that will forever stay frozen and can't ever start again.

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